Choosing God Parents.[Your Pov]

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Niall:"what about Louis and El"I suggest "ye baby"he says "your not listening to me are you" I say a little pissed at the fact that hes not paying attention "sorry baby what were ya saying" he says "for Godparents baby Lou and El?"I ask "ok babe"he says "ill go ring Lou and tell him to come over baby"Ni says and walks out I sit there for a few minutes thinking but my thoughts were disturbed by a screaming Jacob upstairs "hey baby boy whats wrong" I coo as i rock the annoyed baby in my arms "Hey"I hear come from the doorway "Lou,El come in"I say "so you want me and Lou to be Jacobs God parents?"el asks sounding a bit unsure "of course I mean if you guys want to of course" I say nervously making Louis chuckle "of course we wanna be Jacob's Godparents"El says with excitement,she soon takes Jacob out of my arms and kisses his forehead.

Zayn:"Y/n baby wake up" zayn says softly "im up sorry"I say he kisses me "Your fine sweetie we need to pick our Godparents" he smiles and goes to pick up a sleepy Jaiden "Liam and L/W/N (Liam's wife's name) there so sweet and gentle with Jai " I suggest " I'm happy with that decision baby girl are you Jai" he coos, the baby just smiles he picks the phone up and calls Liam " hey li ,ye,come on over,we got news,bye man love ya too " Zayn says and ends the call "so you want us to be Godparents"liam asks for the 5th time "yes lilo"I say he gets up and hugs me and picks up Jaiden.

Harry:"hey boo"he mumbles sleepily and kiss me "morning curly"I whisper so Darcy doesnt wake "Niall and N/W/N (Nialls Wifes Name) for Godparents"he says and smiles lazily "is that ok?"he asks making sure im happy with the decision he has made "ye thats great"I say glad he choose them there coming over for breakfast today baby remember"he asks "im up"Ishout causing darce to wake up and scream her little ass off "shush baby" I mumble and give her to haz "dress her please ill cook"I say he nodds slowly and smiles and tickles Darcy "so we were wondering if you guys want to be Darcy's Godparents"he asks as I wipe her face "of course bro"Niall says getting up and hugging him and hugging me.

Liam:"Y/n"Zayn says causing me to jump "can I hold my Goddaughter"he whispers unsure if i'll say yes "of course,im guessing Liam asked you then"I say "ye I'm delighted you wanted me to be Godfather"he says voice full of joy and happiness "hush Ella hush baby"he whispers trying to get her off I smile at this guster he kisses Ella's head and puts her in her crib "need help folding her blankets and stuff?"he asks I nodd "that would be great Z thanks"I say and he Smiles.

Louis:"I cant wait to be Godfather of little Jamie hes the image of you Lou"Harry says I picked Harry and Lou Picked Lottie I love his sisters they're so kind and sweet "thanks haz"Lou says and he puts a new nappy (diaper)on Jamie "hello little man somebody's in a right fuss cause he doesn't want to be cleaned huh"Lou says to his kicking and screaming little boy "give him here Louis"Lottie says and bounces him on her knee causing him to quieten down and begin laughing "you'll be a great mam one day Lottie"I say "but your not becoming one till I'm dead no way in hell am i seeing my little sister grow up so fast"he says and hugs her tightly which cause a couple of tears to roll down my cheeks "aw baby"Lou chuckles and wipes them with his thumb "I wish my brother or sister were like that with me"I whisper and Harry and Lottie Must've heard it was now a group hug until Jamie started whining "come here mister"haz says and lets him join in on the hug.

Hope you enjoyed xxxx

Gracie xxxx

Question:Babies first Illness or Babies First Steps?


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