Chapter 1

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"Do you ever sleep Alexander?" A tired voice said from the other side of their dorm. Alex looked up from his laptop. "Shut up John. I'm studying." He grunted looking back at the laptop his fingers tapping the keys hipnotically. John groaned. His new roommate rarely said anything and I was starting to get on his nerves. The only time Alexander would walk away from the laptop was when he had to use the lavatory or make himself a sandwich. John pulled the sheets over his head, checking his phone for messages.

Laffy Taffy: [10 minuets ago] John where are you? The movies starting.🎬

Laffy Taffy:[5 minuets ago]
Hurry up.⌚

Laffy Taffy: [2 minuets ago ]
OWO you're with your roommate aren't you?❤

JohnTheBomb: [one minute ago]
Stop spamming me Laf. I just woke up.😪

Laffy Taffy: [one minute ago]
You ARE with him aren't you?😜

JohnTheBomb: [Just now]
😑Shut up Laf.

Laffy Taffy:[Just now.]
Haha😂 Anyway well meet up later. Herc and I are grabbing, how do you say it in English..., A bite to eat! Ta ta!

John groans burying his head into his pillows. He looks up slowly looking over at a focused Alexander. "Dude when was the last time you had a break?" John asked getting out of his warm covers and throwing on a shirt with the words 'Même team' on it. Alex doesn't look up, just shrugging. "When I was 14? I can't remember." He yawned and continued to type. John laughed walking towards him and taking the laptop away from Alex, the said man making noises of protest. "I'm working!" He huffed standing up letting John have a good look at his work crazy roommate. The boy was short, his head only reaching John's shoulder. He always kept his hair in a messy bun. He had bags underneath his eyes. Alex raised an eyebrow causing the taller male to look away, his face heating up. "When was the last time you ate?" He questioned. "None of your business. Give me back my laptop. I have to study!" Alex stood on his toes grasping at John's arm in an attempt to regain possession of his only friend. John sighed before placing the laptop on the highest shelf. Alex stared up at it in horror. "You evil son of a-"
He started before getting inturupted by a loud knock. John laughed walking towards the door before getting to the ground by two men. "JOHN! Laf says you have a boyfriend!" Hercules bellowed. Lafayette laughed before matching Alexander's confused look. "So zis is the lucky man." Laf teases. Alexander rolled his eye's before slowly climbing up the shelves. "You idiots. You could have told me you were coming." He muttered before the room was filled with a snap and a scream before the shelves crashed down. John snapped his head round and sprinted ta Alexander. "Are you alright dude?!" He asked worriedly. Alex groaned. "No. I think I've broken something. But I've gotten my laptop back." He mumbled. John slowly lifted Alex causing the hurt male to whimper. "Ok I'll go call for French aid!" Lafayette shouts before running out. Hercules helps John lift Alex up unto the couch. "Is it normal for my leg to be throbbing and turning purple?" Alex asked sleepily. John looked at his leg his eye's widening. "Herc ice please!" John shouts watching Hercules running frantically into the kitchen and coming back with a turtle shaped ice pack. He quickly handed it to John who placed it on Alexander's leg. Alex yelped before relaxing as some of the pain receded. "Good thing I'm majoring in Veterinary science." John sighs. "I'm back! And I brought a doctor!" Lafayette shouts running in with a doctor that he knew. The doctor immediately tended to Alexander, placing a temporary cast on his leg and giving his some anasthetic. Alex sighed feeling the pain go away. "That feels good." He yawned. The doctor stands up. "He'll be fine for now, but he does have a bad break that needs to be treated in a hospital." John nods paying the doctor. "I'll park my car out front. You and Laf lift him carefully downstairs." Hercules says, in a surprisingly calm voice, before walking out. Lafayette and John exchanged confused glances before lifting up a half asleep Alex. "Were almost there Alex. Just stay awake and later you can sleep." John whispered as he set Alexander into the back seat beside him. Hercules buckled him up and John, laf and Herc all got in, driving in the direction of the hospital. When they had gotten there they quickly took the hurt boy into the surgery room. "You did good dude." Hercules said patting John on the shoulder. "Saving your boyfriend." He laughed as he got punched on the arm. "Shut up would ya!" He muttered.

A few hours later a nurse came over to the trio. "Are you guys with Hamilton?" She asked. John nodded his face blank, though on the inside he was terrified. "He requested to see you." She smiled softly and John sighed gratefully. She led them to Alexander's room pushing the door open to a typing Alex. "Yo." He mumbled. His leg brandished a blue cast with dog prints over it. "Dogs?" Lafayette questioned. "Always liked them." Alex said slowly closing the electronic. John nodded sitting beside his roommate. "So Hamilton. Since you can't run away you can finally get to know us." He smiled softly before jerking his thumb at Lafayette and Hercules. "French dude is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette. And the taller one is Hercules Mulligan." He laughs at look Alex gives him as he tries to repeat Lafayette's full name. "Took me 4 months to remember it so don't sweat it." John reassures. Alex nods. "Hi." He pointed at Hercules. "Hercules Mulligan." He then pointed at Lafayette. "And you are." He paused before starting again. "Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, Marquis de Lafayette." He stated making the other three's jaws drop. "How?" "I have an okay memory." Alexander said looking down blushing softly. "Good?! Thats a great brain you've got there Hamilton!" Hercules exclaimed. Alex smiled softly. "Thanks." He whispered. "So Alex. Tell us a bit about yourself." John says before relaxing back into his chair. Alexander's face turns pale for a moment before he lies down. "Please leave." He said harshly. "W-What?" John stuttered. "I need to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He mumbled before falling silent. The three others exchange looks before departing.

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