Chapter Four

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Ari puts the finishing touches on my make-up. I look awful, but she's managed to tone down the black-blue of my eye and cheek, make my hair look flawless, and even picked out my clothes. I'm wearing a cream sweater and khaki slacks. My wrapped ankle is hidden away in camel colored boots.

She's wearing some of my clothes, and seeing her in my favorite green blouse makes me smile. She's always so put together; the fact that she forgot her own clothing is a sign of how worried she was to come over. More worried than Daddy, mom, my half-siblings. My bestie really is the only one who cares for me.

"Don't!" Ari warns. "No crying until after the press conference! You'll smear your mascara!" She considers me for a long moment. "Don't worry. Even all beat up, you are way prettier than me and your mom and your sister combined. Okay?"

I swallow my tears and nod. I test my ankle by walking a few steps. No matter how much it hurts, I wouldn't dream of wearing shoes that looked bad.

"I really hate Shea right now," I tell Ari.

"Me, too. But I'm going with you. I'll be right there. I don't care what she says."

There's a knock at my door. Ari opens it, and Chris is there. He's in a suit today and wearing his silver-rimmed glasses. I cross my arms. He looks me over. I stare at him, puzzled. I have no idea why he's so involved in this, especially since I said I wasn't going to court.

"Shea has your speech prepared. You want to go over it first?" he asks.

"I guess." I limp to the door and follow him. He trots down the stairs to the foyer, where two men with earpieces wait. They resemble the Secret Service escorts that watch over Daddy.

I'm about to ask where the conference will take place when Shea slips through the front door, followed by the flashes of tons of cameras. Ari and I exchange a look. Who has a press conference on their front porch?

"You've seen Molly give speeches," Shea says, handing me a one-page speech in a leather frame. "Keep it short and be yourself. I will be there to answer questions. The press has already received summaries of the medical records and photos."

"My god!" Ari exclaimed. "Why?"

"It's a long story," Shea says. "

"You didn't give them pictures of her naked?" Ari looks horrified.

"We were selective and honest."

Shea didn't say no. My face is hot. I want to die.

"This is it, Mia," Chris says to me. "The best way to put out a fire is to stop it before it spreads. We're a step ahead of the press. You being brave enough to face them should snuff the rumors."

"If we do this right, the press will lose interest and move onto the next thing," Shea adds. "Any questions about the speech?"

I haven't even looked at it. I start to read it with my good eye and instantly feel a headache coming on. I don't get far before Shea interrupts me again.

"When you step outside, walk to the microphones. Give a greeting of your choice then read what's on the paper. Thank them and let me talk. Got it?"

It sounds easy, and if Molly can do this, I can. Then, everyone will leave me alone, and I can stay in my room for the rest of my life.

"Ari's going with me," I tell Shea.

"You say nothing," Shea instructs Ari.

Ari rolls her eyes at Shea, and I am privately cheering her on as Shea's cool look turns pissed. Shea loves to be in control, and Ari loves to buck people like her.

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