Chapter Six

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The two men stand. I join them at the door and follow them into the hallway. I'm on a death march, but I'd rather be on a death march alone than let one of Chris' team members go with me. The two men get into an elevator, and I'm surprised who else is already in the elevator.

"Hey," Dom says. He's taller and beefier than I remember. Then again, I can't remember much about him, except his accent and eyes. He's far younger than the other two men in the elevator. He doesn't smile, but his gaze is warm. I feel like I'm running into an old friend.

"Hey," I say, relaxing. "How's Kiesha?"

"She's good. Real good," Dom says. "How you doin'?"

I look at the grim DA and unsmiling Captain then shrug. Dom tries not to smile and clears his throat.

"We asked Dom to be here. Kiesha is on vacation," the DA says at last. "We wanted to try to ease some of the stress this might cause."

My eyes go to my feet. I never thought I'd be treated better by people charging me with a crime than by Daddy's lackeys.

"We didn't expect you to dismiss your counsel," the DA adds. "If at any time, you want him here, we will call him."

"I understand," I say.

When the elevator stops I walk ahead of Dom, but then stop to wait for him, feeling safer with him around than anyone else.

Dom is a guardian angel, and not just for me. I never thought twice about police before I met Dom and Kiesha. It's strange to think there are people out there that are the complete opposite of my family, people who want to help others and not just themselves.

We walk past an area teeming with police officers, past a thick door and into a waiting room with benches. There are two police officers at two computers. As we get closer, I can see the black pads for fingerprints.

"Ms. Abbott-Renou, the Captain and I will leave you here. You'll be booked then escorted to an interview room."

"Dom will stay with me?" I ask.


I take a deep breath and nod. The two older men leave, and Dom sits on the bench.

"Full name," the booking officer says, staring at the computer.

"Mia Elizabeth Abbott-Renou," I reply.

"That's quite a mouthful," the officer says.

"My grandpa was a Yank who married into politics. Mama says we hyphenated, so no one would forget Grandpa's money or Grandma's family's political pull," I explain.

"Take you long to learn to spell it?"

I don't realize she's telling a joke until she smiles.

"Hey, hero!" someone calls cheerfully, walking into the booking area. "Need your autograph." The lanky cop walks up to Dom, who grins. He signs some paperwork.

"You're even prettier than the pictures in the newspaper," the booking agent tells me. "My son says you look like a Disney princess."

"Oh. Thanks."

"Relax," she says, taking my hand.

I look down to see my hands are shaking. I will them to be still, but they won't obey. She grips them securely and inks then rolls my fingertips one by one across a small screen. I watch as they pop up on the computer screen over her shoulder.

Dom and the other officer are joking back and forth, their easy rapport like nothing I've seen before, outside of Ari and me. As long as I can see him, I don't feel like panicking and running for the car, screaming. Because that thought is in the back of my mind, along with the one that's waiting for Robert Connor to appear suddenly. I've been outside my house once since coming home for a check-up with the doctor.

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