Chapter Seven

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We sneak out the back the next morning to Ari's car, parked one block away from my house. I survive brunch, and we head to the mall. It's not too busy midmorning, and I'm surprised that I don't feel like screaming when we walk in.

"Louis Vuitton first?" Ari says hopefully.

I nod. We walk through the mall and ascend to the second floor. I stick close to her, looking around. There are lots of places for bad people to hide, but I don't feel alone or vulnerable here. I'm just one more face in the crowd, not someone bad guys would be after.

We both buy new handbags then head to the make-up counters in one of the upscale department stores. Two bottles of fingernail polish, three eye shadows and a pair of shoes later, we leave the store and stroll through the mall.

I almost, almost feel normal. I'm shopping with my best friend, gossiping about the kids at school and family. My hands aren't shaking, and neither are my insides. Loud noises still startle me, but it's okay, because I'm just another face in the mall.

We pass by the music and video store, and Ari stops to window shop. We go inside, so she can grab some DVDs. I stop beside her as she searches through a rack and glance up at the television playing the news a few aisles over. The sound is off, but the newscasters look cheerful. I glance at Ari as she moves away then back up at the television.

I read the ticker and gasp.

Latest trend among political heirs: Senator Henry Jakeson's son ditches politics, intends to follow Keith Connor's son into the NFL next spring.

The footage from last spring shows Robert grinning and talking to an attractive sports reporter. He's just come off the football field from something called the Combine and carries a water bottle in one hand. His stance is easy, his smile confident. Arrogant. Like there's nothing in this world that can stop him after his first round draft pick and the multimillion dollar contract.

"Oh, god." He's here, too. He's everywhere.

"Don't look." Ari grabs and yanks me hard away.

My knees are weak, my stomach churning. Tunnel vision makes Ari blurry. She staggers as I lean into her.

"Okay, okay," she says. "Just ... okay. Close your eyes. Pretend you're in the closet."

I close my eyes and sink to my knees.

"Okay, we're in the closet," Ari's voice warbles. "It's bright. Your shoes are like, right here. Handbags are here ..." I can't hear her anymore. I'm stuck in the in-between place.

It's safe here. I don't like it, but it's dark and quiet.

"Mia!" Ari's loud voice is accompanied by a pinch so hard, my eyes snap open. She and the store clerks are standing over me. "Okay, okay. She's okay." Ari's voice is frantic and her eyes are large. "Right? You're okay?"

"Yeah," I mumble.

"Here," another clerk joins us, holding a bottle of soda from the coolers near the cash register. Ari takes it and opens it. I sit up and sip.

"Chris is sending a car," Ari says. "Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay. Why'd you tell him?" I ask, irked.

"Right! Because you just passing out shouldn't freak me out."

I sigh. "Sorry, Ari." I get to my feet.

The clerks step back, but lingers. I test my legs then gather my bags. Ari follows suit. I'm still feeling queasy, but try not to show it, for her sake. We leave the store and move into the mall. Ari is staring at me.

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