Later On

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About a day or two later Mike finally told me what the game plan was and how everything would go down and what we were suppose to be doing now but will we were working on the hole I saw a guard approach so I went in as quickly as possible and warned everyone so we put the carpet back and then the table and only a second later the guard came in, it was Robert Hudson he was the new guard that came the same time I did and he was the officer that escorted my dad to and from his cell in solitary but when he came in he said that me and my dad had a visitor and surprisingly enough it was LJ and he look scared, concerned and hurt all at the same time and we were both in this box and both in the same one which made it very cramped.
The second I glanced at LJ he started crying when our dad tried talking to him he wouldn't answer but as I opened my mouth he apologised to dad and then told us that our mom was murdered and our step-dad, I hated that guy when he told me was killed to I was so happy but sad at the same time cause that is our mom we're talking about as I burst into tears because if it doesn't work out with uncle Mike's plan then dad is screwed that moment our good old daddyo tried to hide my tears as he wiped them of for just when we were kids when they got the divorce. When dad was done LJ also told us that they framed him but the police didn't know yet so he is in a informal way also on the run just like I hope we'll be soon cause to be honest I slightly don't trust the plan working. When the buzzer rang and it was time for us to head back, LJ gave us one last glance before he left to continue his journey being on the run.
When I got back it was " recess " and all the cells were open so when I got into mine they closed only my cell door for some reason when I asked them why they did it one of the officers Bellick, the asshole told me that my dad had requested them to close my cell for the rest of the day and only open it if uncle Mike wanted to talk to me.
I was kind of mad that he didn't think I could handle myself in this shit hole that I have to call home until we get out of here.

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