The Riot Has Started

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The moment I woke up I saw Mike standing at my bed watching me sleep and my cell door was open when I woke up he told me that they changed him and brought him to my cell another one of papa bear's requests.
Michael told me that he made a hole in the wall behind our sink when I was asleep he also got me some food cause he didn't want to wake me up which was thoughtful but again I can handle myself and Sucre got a new roomie too John Abruzzi.
A few hours later Mike told me to follow him into the sewers because it was safer along with him he brought a egg beater I was confused but it was expected of him, when we went in the first thing he did was go and turn off the air con but he needed my help and then we got out for role call and when we did Bagwell as i was told his name was started ranting about the heat and said that that should transfer us to Africa cause it would be cooler there.
After that him and his goons went ballistic at the COs and all of c - block was taken over, hell the whole prison was so Mike, Sucre and myself went into the sewers and Michael projected this picture of the devil where we were suppose to drill and any wrong move the gas lines would explode and we would be burnt alive but I heard screaming so I went in the ducts to investigate and when I got there there were some prisoners trying to gas out the female doctor so I called her and pulled her up but I think one of them spotted me knowing that there was one more girl they could get dirty with so when I pulled her up she was solarised to see a 17 year old girl in a men's penitentiary but she was also still very disoriented as the conversation began she started with "thank you but what are you doing in Fox River and how did you find me" "I'm in prison industries and we had a job where we needed to clean the ventilation"  but I didn't answer her the first question of how the hell a 17 year old girl got in here.
As we were walking through the vents one of the prisoners a shorter one popped up and I kicked him down it was a few minutes until we got somewhere I thought was safe were I would let her go but it wasn't the men were only a hop, jump, skip and a swim away so we had to be stealthy when we finally got to one of the doors there were shooters so she told me to run as I did they started shooting, missing me but hitting a couple of the other guys it took me a bit to get back but before I got in to c - block I found a hat and covered up my hair so I would look less like a girl when I entered I ran to my cell where I met my dad who had bee  looking for me but the family reunion was cut short because he had to get back or they would put him in solitary till his execution date.

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