Introduction to Kony2012 and the Invisible Children

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hi peeps just want to spread the word of joseph kony adn so here it goes

watch the video

spread the word


pls go to the wesite and watch the video. you ned to spread the word and help those children. Joseph Kony is a terrible man, who abducts children of all ages. He turns the girls into sex slaves, and the boys into child soliders. He makes them kill there own paretns to make sure he can trust them. He makes them ruin other childrens faces, cuttign of noses, chin....etc. this year we wil try to help save the invisible children and stop Josph Kony. Pls help and even donate at TRIPEACE to help stop Kony adn save the children and families of Uganda and Afica.


i know this isn't much but its something

thanks nui

ps. i am going to start writing a story abotu what it would be like to be one of those 30,0000 children. I have read a lot about this and feel the need to write abotu it i hope u will understand what happens and enjoy the story. I would liek to have some good critism but not to much if u sont mind i can sometimes get a little upset, seeign as i am not a good writer pls don't jugde my story becasue it is not high quality.

thanks nunu ^~^

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