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pipervik: BACK AND BETTER THAN FUCKING EVER. [tagged: jamiewin]

7,283 likes, 754 comments

winniemack: YOU'RE BACK IN AMERICA???
magnussonwilliam: miss u
magnussonwilliam: also hi jamie love the harry potter glasses
jamiewin: LMFAO FUCK OFF WILLIAM @magnussonwilliam
chrisschistad: missing u :(
pipervik: missing u more @chrisschistad
user: aw ^
evamohn2: :( skype later
loglady99: ^^ me too
pipervik: of course @evamohn2 @loglady99
pipervik: for a couple more weeks, yeah!! roadtrip down to venice!! @winniemack

tuesday 10:40

"can't believe you just invited winnie goddamn mack to visit."

"she won't."

"oh yes she will. she got her license."

"it's a six hour drive, jamie. i doubt she'll do it."

"i did it."

"yeah but i've also been your friend since diapers."

"that's true." i nod. "you have to visit oslo. you'd love it there and pretty much everyone speaks english so it's not even mandatory to speak norwegian."

"i know. i think i might come spring break. it'll still be cold, right?"

"end of march or early april?"

"whenever easter is."

"oh, sick right. yeah. that's like skiing season. i might be going up to a cabin with chris and willi so you can come too. lots of boys. call themselves the penetrators. that's their russ buss name."

"their what?"

"russ buss! have i never explained it?! i'm a russ in three years and i can't fucking wait!"

"i'm confused please explain."

"russefeiring. it's a tradition in norway. for three years you prepare. you buy a bus, like a fucking school bus, and pay to get it decorated and shit, and then for the three weeks before you graduate, you drink excessively, my personal favorite, the dares, like drink 24 beers in 24 hours, my american ass is going to be doing that easy, and all while this is going, you have to go to class and then take exams."

"sounds like afterprom on crack."

"it's worse than afterprom on crack." i laugh.

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