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"back in london doing what i do best: harassing william <3"

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"back in london doing what i do best: harassing william <3"

tuesday 12:30

"your mother is here, she's agreed to be your manager, and resident on hand helper when it comes to you." amy, my agent says, i have an agent now, coming into the room, my mother at her side.

"hi." my mom kisses my forehead before sitting next to me.

"the last name difference will help you, because people won't assume that you're related, which is good. we've contacted a norwegian brand and they're looking into signing you but they want raw photographs. we need to get you in a shoot today."

"okay." my mother and i nod.

"the brand is tfm, they're a big developer located in oslo. that's where you said you were in school, correct?" i nod. "well you picked a good place considering they're good with brands, and we're good at getting your name out there." she smiles.

wednesday 15:32

"you okay?" my mom asks as we sit finish our dinner.

"just a lot going on." i laugh. "are you okay?"

"i knew it would happen one day. you're a beautiful girl and that's why i always took pictures of you. to capture that beauty." she kisses my hand and i smile. "you and chris are still planning to move in together in oslo?"

"yeah, and i talked to amy about it and i'll be able to finish school there before i'm being jetted off all over the place or whatever. so, i'm good on that front." i smile. "i'll be there for about two more years, just in time for russ." i run a hand through my hair. "just thinking about the planning for that throughout the year is killing me now." i shake my head.

"don't worry about that. worry about grades and pictures. worry about keeping your eyes above the water. who cares about russ when you're going to be an amazing model walking runways?"

"i care about russ. my friends care about russ. i'm an annoyingly popular girl at nissen, thanks to chris and william and my friends feel like they semi rely on me to get them into parties." i shake my head. "i'd feel bad if i just dropped them."

"well, i like your friends, but if you feel like they're a bunch of bloodsucking leeches, sprinkle some salt on them and let them go." she says, and i grimace at her strong words. "that was a little foul." she wrinkles her nose. "sorry."

"s'fine." i laugh.

"so you really want to do this? the whole modeling thing?"

"yeah." i nod. "i love it, better than any job i could've imagined."

"didn't you want to write?"

"i wanted to be a travel journalist." i smile. "what better way to travel than getting my picture taken and writing about my experiences off camera?" i ask with a raise of my eyebrows as i sip my water.

"that is a good point, my darling."

"now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go play relationship counselor for the millionth time, because william is being a dick to everybody and i'm not having it anymore."

"come back to the hotel tonight, i've got some weed and jamie said she wanted to talk to you."

"okay." i smile.

"love you."

"love you too." i call before leaving the restaurant.

i take the tube to william's building, allowing myself in to find him nowhere and noora crying on the floor.

"hi." i hug her.

"hi." she whispers.

"he's a dick." i rock her in my arms. "and you're going to do the good thing and leave him. you're going to leave him in the fucking dust and make him want you back. but you're not going to get him back. i know you love him, but he does not deserve you." i kiss her hair as she sobs.

"he never makes time for me."

"i told him that he needed to start making time and he just blew you off. blew me off. that's not fair to either of us. he's changed, this-" i wave my hand around the extravagant apartment. "has changed him. him being around his douchebag dad? changed him, and it wasn't for the better." i pick her up. "c'mon let's get to packing your stuff." i kiss her hair once more before we're standing and throwing all of her clothes into bags.

"isak took my place at the apartment."

"so you sleep on the floor on a mattress for a while." i joke. "and when you want to get away from eskild? you know where i live." i hug her tight.

thursday 17:00

"where is she?" william asks, bursting into the apartment.

"she left you." i say, my eyebrows raised. "not that i'm surprised. you treated her like dog shit, william."

"you told her to do this. you know my problems pip-"

"i do know your problems. your old problems. these problems? they're new. they're extra problematic, and i'm going to let you sort them out. i'm going to leave you alone, so you can soak up all your london stockbroker shit, and become the next wolf of wall street or whatever the fuck your big plan is." i laugh. "i'm going back to oslo, where my friends are. where my boyfriend is. you? you'll be here, alone. left to think about what you've done. what you've fucked up." i say and he sits.

"why did you let her go?"

"because you don't deserve her anymore. that conversation we had on monday? you barely heard it, william. you're not you anymore. you love her. you went after her for nearly a year, and then you get to london and barely have the time of day for her? are you kidding?" i laugh. "she doesn't deserve your shit." i pat his cheek. "call me when you've got your head on straight again, yeah?" i kiss his head. "i sure hope it's fucking soon." i say before walking out of his apartment.

i love him, i really do. he's my best friend on the planet, but god, if he isn't a fucking idiot sometimes.

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