The Tips Of My Fingers= A New Chapter

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A new chapter of my life......

An exciting one.

I can't believe from when I was 12 to now how I have changed.

My wedding day is soon, and once I'm married a new chapter in my life begins! a good one.

I can't express to you the emotions I'm feeling right now, I'm too excited. I'm 22 years old and about to get married. Getting married is a day I have been dreaming about since I was little. And I'm marrying a man of God, which will make me double the happy.

When we continue on with our life after we marry, we plan to have kids, many at that.

I just hope my kids never encounter what Mackenzie and Chloe did, but I have to admit, Chloe turned that aspect around fast.

My life has changed miraculously, but like I've said many times before, the story is still waiting to be told.

My life goes through bumps. Just like a rocky road, and on and on and on.

Let the story begin.........

The Tips Of My Fingers: A New ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now