The Tips Of My Fingers= SURPRISE!

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When Brandon arrived home from work one day, all the kids were in bed. 

We went and got some supper, cleaned up and went to bed ourselves. 

We were sitting in bed talking, when I asked Brandon.

"Do you want anymore kids?"

He shruged, and looked at me then said...

"I really don't know right now. We have 2, 2 year olds, and a 4 year old. I don"t know Jaiden. Maybe when they get a bit older I guess"

I looked at Brandon, then turned to my night stand and pulled something out of the drawer. It was a pregnancy test. I showed him the positve sign, then smiled.

"Brandon, were having another baby"

He seemed to be expressing too many mixed emotions, to really focus on answering or even replying for that matter. I turned and kissed him on the lips and wispered to him.

"Everythings going to be ok, trust me"

He nodded, and then after that he seemed excited. We just talked about the future, and what was about to take place in it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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