The Next Generation of Hogwarts

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My name is Evangeline Black. My father was Garith Black, son of Regis Black. My mother is a completely different story. My parents died in a supposed "accidental" fire and so now I'm an orphan. I live in an orphanage called... where we don't exactly live the luxury life. My Hogwarts letter finally arrived and I was so excited! I was the only one in the whole orphanage to get a letter. I packed my bags as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to get out of that place. I felt bad for leaving behind my friend Mally, she had it really rough her father was a real nut job and her mother had died at child birth. I used some of my savings to buy used books for classes and a wand from the wand shop. When I was in the wand shop there was a boy there, he had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. He seemed shy and looked very much like an introvert but what have him away as a little bit of an extrovert was his smile, his smile was wonderful, full and happy. His little sister had a grin that stretched from ear to ear her ginger hair shining in the dim lighting. As the wand master gave him his wand that had chose him he noticed me looking and glanced over through long bangs, smiled, and blushed a little. I quickly looked away pretending to be interested in my spell book but blushed profusely. He took the wand and thanked the man, payed the man took his sisters hand and started walking towards the door where his parents were waiting for him.

"Congratulations" I said as he opened the door. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you, good luck to you" he said with a smile. He was very tall with a lean build and with a little bit of muscle. He was kind of cute. He walked out and went to his parents whom I didn't recognize. I went up to the wand master and he said

"Aahhhhh Evangeline Black, I've been expecting you. I have the perfect wand!" with excitement in his voice. He pulled down a box from a tall shelf and opened the box with his small meek hands. "Unicorn hair with a touch of dragon heart string cover in pure birch" he said carefully picking up the wand and handing it to me with the most delicate movements. "It screamed your name"

"It's so beautiful" I said my eyes gleaming with joy picking it up for the first time. It was soft and smooth with a dark color. I could feel energy surge through the wand into my veins making my heart skip a beat and pump faster. I smiled content with my new item. "Thank you so much! Now how much do I owe you?" I said rummaging through my bag.

"Free of cost my dear" the wand master said smiling while boxing my wand back up. He slid the box across the counter and winked.

"But I can't just take it at least let me pay half of the cost" I said pleading. he shook his head and pushed the box farther across the counter towards me. I sighed and gave him a teasing glare as I put the wand into my bag. I hate when people give me things for no reason, I always feel so guilty. I smiled and thanked him, quickly slid 16 pounds across the counter and ran out of the shop. I smiled, slid the backpack onto my shoulders and walked down the street staring at my black converse. I was walking when I ran into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're going you bloody fool!" a boy with bleach blonde hair and an expensive looking suit on.

"Sorry I didn't see you there" I said getting up and brushing myself off.

"Yah whatever" the boy said in a sarcastic tone walking away after pushing me back onto the ground. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head as a hand reached out in front of me. I looked up to see a huge man with long silvery hair with streaks of black in it.

"Bloody bloke, don't listen to him he's just a stuck up rich kid. The names Hagrid, are you with anyone?" the man, Hagrid, asked as he pulled me up as if I was the weight of a feather.

"No, no I'm alone. Where have I heard your name before?" I asked rubbing my head still and squinting up at him.

"I'm the professor for care for magical creatures at Hogwarts, and you are?"

"Evangeline, Evangeline Black." I said brushing myself off.

"Well, how do you do? Can I get you anything? How a pet for Hogwarts?" he said going into a pet shop. I followed him into the shop and looked around. There were cats, owls, birds, rats, weasels, etc., almost anything you could think of. I walked around a little as Hagrid suggested almost every animal alive. Nothing appealed to me until I went up to a little tiny cage with an odd looking little creature in it. Ot was long and white with spots of light, caramel with an almost cat like face. I looked at the tag beneath the cage and it said "ferret. Warning can be aggressive." I looked back at the ferret and it was looking at me with curious eyes. I stuck my knuckle through the bars and the ferret rubbed his head against it like a cat rubbing against something it likes. I laughed a little and Hagrid came over.

"Those things are bloody devils, but he seems I like you." Hagrid said as the ferret continued to rub his head against my knuckle.

"I'm going to get him." I decided with a firm voice. I went up to the counter and payed for the ferret. I took the cage and walked outside with Hagrid. Hagrid carried the cage for me, but I took out the ferret.

"What's his name?" Hagrid asked as we walked down Diogon Alley.

I walked and thought a minute. "Diogon, his name is Diogon." I said as the ferret draped himself over my neck with his head on my shoulder. I smile and and patted his head. Finally a friend.

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