Chapter 2 Dark Figures

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{Cole on the left and Corey on the right}

I woke up with a splitting headache as my vision was still covered in black due to the bag on my face. The car had been driving for what seemed to be like hours as no lights flashed through the open spots in the bag. I am having cold sweat as I move my wrists from time to time to see if they will lose from the sweat that was building up on my skin. I can also sense their eyes staring at me making me squeeze myself closer to the corner of the car, trying to be small as possible."He's actually cute when you get a better look at him," said one."Don't even think about it, no touching him till we get to the bosses" I heard another say which was the one who put me here."Oh came on Mich, it's not going to kill anyone," the same guy said. I soon felt a warm presence and the moment his hand touch my bounded ones I start kicking as fast and hard as I could."Fucker!" I heard a groan of pain as I pulled my knees to my chest and my hands to my chest. I couldn't stop shaking that they all might come at me next."Maybe we should kill this fucker" the man shouted. Pissed off much? that is what you get for trying to rape me you murderer!!!!"I said no touching so sit your ass back down before I make a report about this!" Yelled Mich which made me jump slightly.Soon the car came to a stop and I froze in fear as I heard the doors open with the cool air hitting my sweaty hands. I tried to listen to their footsteps but felt two different parts of my arms as I was pulled out of the car in a tight grip. I start struggling to get out of their grips.Something cold touched the back of my head and I stop knowing it was a gun. "Good, now please don't make it hard for us, or I will shoot" I could hear a smirk in Mich's voice.I gulped and did as I was told since I had no choice, I was pulled inside a building. We went to what sounded like an elevator which made my stomach have knots as we went up. The grip on my arms only got tighter, I think there are bruises already under where their hands were.We soon started walking out with them mostly dragging me since I was being too slow for them. In my position, I think anyone would be slow since yeah I may have said I want to die but I didn't actually mean it this way! You try to walk while you can't see and breathe your own hot air.I was pushed down hard onto my knees onto the ground making me grit my teeth in pain with the thin carpet not helping in the slightest. I could only hear movement then a chair moved across the floor as the bag on my head was ripped off, the light in the room blinding me for a few moments.So far I only saw two figures but as my eyes adjusted to the dim light, my eyes widen to see a pair of dark ones staring back at me. Usually, when there is a gang boss they well don't look like well good-looking, not to be gay or anything if someone looks good they look good.l couldn't help but gulp in fear and anger since these people were the ones that killed my parents. I tried to put up a tough face but my eyes said otherwise, then Mich spoke."We found him when we exterminated the target and brought him here to see if he dies or not as your rules say."Him saying that I could feel a drop of sweat slowly sliding down my forehead, their intense eyes watching me."What is your name" the one to the left demanded which sent a shiver down my spine by his deep voice. There is no way I am telling them my name, I will not end up as my parent, that's what mom would've wanted...Think damnit before you die! "A-Ace Wragers s-sir..." Crap I studdered!Both of their noses seem to flare up with their eyes narrowing. The same one waved his two fingers and everyone behind me left the room. The air then grew tense so it had to swallow the lump in my throat.The left one stepped out from behind the desk and started to make his way toward me. Me being too scared to move and his eyes dared me to try to move from my spot as he grabbed my chin roughly."I don't like liars, now tell me your real name before I have to make this worse than it is" he almost growled out. His grip on my chin only got tighter almost feeling like my bone would break any moment."Sage... M-Miller!" I cried out slightly since his grip on my jaw hurt to talk. His eyes widened at the sound of my name."Corey gets dads old file," he said as he watched me making me shiver in fear. The one named Corry nodded and went to grab something before coming back. "It's that one kid dad was looking for since he killed the traitor and his wife before but couldn't find his kid," he said.My blood then ran cold seeing they were looking for me, oh god I knew I was going to die!"So what should we do with him? Finish the job that dad never got to?" Corey asked again. I felt the one that had a hold of my jaw slowly turn it from side to side."It would be a shame to kill someone with such a pretty face," he said an evil smirk playing on his lips. "Instead of killing him we can use him for different sorts of reasons, since his father betrade us, this will be the payment."Use me for other reasons....? Why not kill me, well at least I am not a girl."So should we just give him off to the gang to toy with?" Asked the other twin. Toy with me!? I have nothing to give what the hell I am a guy. The one in front of me smirking only got bigger seeing my eye panicking."No, I think we should train him first."Oh please tell me these two are not into that weird shit because I would rather die, my friends, warned me about these types of people! "P-please just let me go, I-I haven't done a-anything wrong I won't s-say anything" way to sound pathetic Sage...I am then ripped from my sight again as I was blindfolded. I am then pulled up to my feet and thrown onto a shoulder."No can do, pet," he said as he took me to who knows where now...

Highschool is a pain in the ass =.=

So updates we already know r slow since I need to get my grades up

I am also stuck on a few stories, trying me best

Love u guys for your waiting skills well some....

At least I don't post once a year ^^ yay

My goal is try to post 2 or 3 chapters a month and not one, slowly getting there

Til then~

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