Chapter 5 Thinking

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Laying here all day wasn't going to help me so, I pulled myself out of the comfy bed. Making my way to the bathroom trying to ignore the pain in my hips and low back. I didn't dare look in the mirror so I wouldn't remember the night before.

Turning on the shower I looked around waiting for the water to warm up. The bathroom was beautiful which made a part of me not want to leave, but I shook off that feeling.

I had to escape somehow.....

I got into the shower and the hot water hit my back making me groan as I felt my muscles relax. I closed my eyes to enjoy this feeling before opening them. I put my hand to my neck to feel the cool metal against the hot water. The sound of the chains made me cringe; I didn't help the fact every time I move my head they moved.

Trying not to move my head as I clean my body seeing all of the bruises that covered my body, reminding me of the night before. Shaking my head while moving the chains at the same time to get rid of the thoughts that flooded my mind. I didn't want to feel the same feeling a few moments ago, feeling unless and alone. To be honest I wish I died along with my parents that night. It would be better than feeling all of this, everything just keeps getting worse and worse...

I shook my head once more, no I shouldn't think like that I have to be stronger than this I will find a way out of this and things will get better!

"If only that was true... heh," I said pitifully to myself.

Dragging myself out of the now-cold water I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a towel and dried myself off. I paused for a moment I didn't have any clothes on me nor did I know where they were at. Slowly I pushed the door open and stuck my head out, and to my surprise, a young girl was sitting on the end of the bed.

She turned her head to me, must have heard me opening the door. She gave me a bright smile which shocked me a little. I didn't know a place like this would have a sweet little girl there.

She got up and walked over to me and handed me a pair of clothes "these are for you" she said in a cute little voice. I blushed to remember I was only in a towel and took the clothes slamming the door shut while hearing a little giggle on the other side.

A small smile tugged on my lips here that, I always had a weak spot for little kids...

I came out once I got dressed but without a shirt since it's hard to put something over your head with a chain around your neck. I guess she noticed it making a small frown.

"I don't know why my brothers would put that on you" she pouted and crossed her arms.

Wait... BROTHERS!?

THIS LITTLE GIRL IS THEIR SISTER!?!? no, no, no way a cute sweet innocent angel can't be related to those freaks of nature.

"Brothers?" I asked her trying to keep a straight face to see if I heard her right.

She nodded "yup, they are really sweet when you get to know them mister" she smiled brightly.

"I can be the judge of that...." I said mostly to myself nor do I want to think about it.

"Anyways do you want to play!" She said making her tiny hands into a fist and slightly jumping up and down. "Sure why not" it's not like I have anything else to do.

She smiled brightly yet again and ran out of the room and came back with dolls. I have never been a fan of dolls since they creep me out but I promised her.


I don't know how long we had been in the bed playing with I learned to know the girl's name was Bella. She was full of spirit that's for sure.

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