A Beautiful New Start!

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I ran as fast I could, my bleeding not helping at all. The storm made it hard to see which way I was going, through the blizzard I could barely make out Elson and Hans, Elson was on his knees and looked as though he was crying and Hans had his sword out ready to kill Elson! The blizzard died down and ran over to them both, I fired a blast at Hans making him drop the sword. He glared at me and took out his dagger which oh so conveniently had. He cut my face and whilst my guard was down stabbed me again and tossed me to the ground before picking his sword up. He raised his sword and seconds before it hit Elson Anna got in the way! "No!" She shouted as the blade made contact with her hand. Anna's whole body turned to solid ice, the force of it sent Hans flying back! Elson looked up and saw his frozen sister "Anna!" He gasped as he rose and stood in front Anna's frozen body "Oh, Anna. No..no, please, no." He sobbed he then hugged Anna as he cried, just then Olaf, Kristoff, Sven, Eugene and Rapunzel reached us from opposite ends of the fjords. All of them were shocked and distraught by Ana's frozen form, Rapunzel began crying and hid her face in Eugene's shoulder. I looked to the icy ground, if only I'd put up a better fight this wouldn't have happened Elson was right I am an idiot. I looked up once more and saw that Anna's body was beginning to unfreeze! I gasped happily as Anna returned to her normal self  "Anna?" Elson questioned before the two hugged.

"You sacrificed yourself for me?" He asked "of course I love you" Anna answered, Olaf's face lit up as he realized what saved Anna. "An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart" Olaf said happily "love will thaw...Love. Of course" Elson said before looking at his hands. Elson raised his arms and suddenly the ice on the fjord started to melt, beneath our feet the bow of a ship thawed and rose as we all stood on it, the snow and ice across the kingdom melted bringing back the warm summer "I knew you could do it" Anna laughed "yeah, it takes a lot to undo something like that if it was made my negative emotions looks like you have more control then you think" I added. "Hands down, this is the best day of my life...and quite possibly the last" Olaf stated as he began to melt "Olaf! Hold on there little buddy" Elson chuckled before freezing Olaf again and forming a little snow cloud above him. 

As Hans regained consciousness Kristoff prepared to go over to fight him but Anna stopped him, she walked over to Hans instead and he looked at her in confusion "Anna? But she froze your heart" Hans stated, that's why she was so weak after Elson struck her "the only frozen heart around here is yours" she replied coldly, she turned from him but then suddenly turned back and punched him in the face making him fall overboard into the water, Elson comes over to Anna and they hug each other, over her shoulder, Anna looks at Kristoff smiling. The pain in my abdomen became more severe as I slid down the boat wall "Y/N! What's wrong?!" Elson panicked as he came over to me, I moved my hands revealing the mass blood causing them to gasp in shock. "You can thank the Prince of the Southern isles" I laughed. "Y/N, you can't die not now, not like this" Elson rambled as he began tearing up. 

"Y/N may I?" Rapunzel asked, I remembered her healing powers and even though she no longer had her magic hair she could still heal people because the power of the magic plant was in her blood. I nodded, before couching up some blood she quickly crouched down next to me and put her hands on my wound causing me to flinch "sorry. Flower, gleam and glow, let your power shine make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine heal what has been hurt change the fates' design, save what has been lost bring back what once was mine. What once was mine" she sang before the familiar golden light swarmed around me healing me. Elson helped me stand, and know it was everybody else's turn except from me and Eugene to look at her in shock. "If you think that's weird then you should have seen her before her hair was cut" Eugene joked. 

A few weeks after the whole drama and Elson had practically mastered his powers he's a very quick learner. Seeing as I stayed here to teach him Eugene and Rapunzel had gone back to Corona and I had told them to explain the situation to my father. Elson and I were standing in the castle courtyard with villagers around us Elson changed the courtyard into an ice rink and everyone started ice skating, Anna slid over to Elson and he catched Anna just before she slipped.  "I like the open gates" she said with a smile "we are never closing them again" Elson reassured her before waving his hand forming ice skates over Anna's boots "oh, Elson, they're beautiful, but you know I don't skate..." she said nervously "well then allow me to teach you" Kristoff said before taking her away. "Thank you Y/N." Elson said to me as we ice skated next to each other "for what?" I asked "for everything! For helping through the nightmare and showing how to control my gift" he explained "I was more than happy to help you, your majesty" I told him. "Please after all you've done there is no need to be so formal just call me Elson" he chuckled "very well then Elson. I'll have to leave for Corona in a few days but my stay in Arendelle has been amazing!" I told him. "That's good to hear. However, I may have sent a letter to your father telling him that you'd be back later than expected I hope you don't mind" Elson told me nervously. 

"Why?" I asked suspiciously "well I er you see I was thinking that you would eh. Y-Y/N I-I love you and was therefore wondering would you by any chance want to stay here.... with me and I possibly be my queen?" Elson asked with a very red face. I didn't know what to say, the little time we had spent before his training was very nice and I feel like I have grown a lot closer to him these past few weeks. And to be honest I had fallen for him pretty hard, his kindness, his smile, his personality those beautiful icy blue eyes of his. "I love you too and therefore I would love to Elson!" I answered before placing a soft, gentle kiss on his lips "yeah go Y/N and Elson!" Anna cheered from the other side of the courtyard, we both laughed nervously with a small blush on our faces. "Just so you know we don't have to get married just yet if you don't want to I don't want to rush this or pressure you into anything" he told me "thank you Elson, I appreciate that very much" I laughed and kissed his cheek. Best day of my life.... so far!

This isn't finished! The story will now be purely from my brilliant mind! So I hope you've all enjoyed this so far and stick around to see what else happens with the awesome Elson and Y/N!!!

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