Chapter 5

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Your POV

    Gladion seemed to be lost in thought, and you decided the wisest choice would be not to disturb him. It was odd, but his presence had sparked something inside of you. You had felt weirdly connected to him, and had felt so much pain when he snapped at you.

Probably a new record for somebody you've just met.

   You quietly tried everything in your will to not be attracted to his shining emerald eyes, but in the end, you ended up staring at them, mesmerized by the itensity in them. He was so magnetic, and you felt the sudden need to hug him. You mentally hit yourself, surprised you were tempted to hug somebody who you've just met, and probably hated hugs. 

   You tried to focus on something else, and yet ended up staring at him. Again. His blonde hair was still neatly combed in his hair style, and his hoodie radiated a lot of use, and what looked like claw marks from a Pokemon. His pale skin reminded you of somebody.....

Suddenly, the pieces snapped together in your mind.

He looked like Lillie.

    Sure, their personalities were nothing alike, but still. Both had emerald eyes, blonde hair, and that ghostly pale skin. And both had the exact same facial structure. They were brother and sister.

But....should you ask him? If he was?

Maybe it was better off if you'd leave this off for later....

Besides, you needed to do something first...

Gladion POV

    "I packed this bandage for an emergency, so I guess now's a good time to use them, right Gladion?" she said, and I flinched a bit.

She was going to waste a bandage on me?!

    I quickly tried to stand up, saying "I-uh, need to go now, an-", but my arm betrayed me, and when  tried using it,  I fell to the ground, wincing in pain.


    She held me down, and leaned forward to wrap it on my arm, but when she leaned forwards, her cheek brushed against mine. 

    I froze, blood rushing to my cheeks, and I started to feel light-headed. She had froze as well, her cheek still against mine, and her warm breath coming out in small puffs, as she exhaled in my ear. 

This was the closest I've ever been to somebody since joining Team Skull.

And yet.......I felt a little light glow inside of me.


    We stayed like that for what could have been three seconds, or an hour, before she shot her head away. I looked at her face, which was a deep shade of red, and she looked....flustered? "I-I'm so sorry Gladion! I didn't mean to do that, and it was purely accidental, and I-" she started to say, but I cut her off. "What...What the heck (y/n)?!?! I.....Just....Why did you do that?!" I yelled, my face burning hot. She looked down in shame, and I felt a pang in my chest.

Why did she matter so much to me?!?!

Was it her strength, in her Pokemon?

The kindness she showed me, when nobody does?

The fact that I....




It can't be...

I've just met her...

And yet...........

"Gladion...It was a mistake, but I luckily got it on.." she quietly whispered, and I gazed at her.

"It wasn't your fault."

"Wha-Gladion, it was!"

"It wasn't."

"It was!!"

"Just hush....It wasn't your fault..It was an accident."

"Gladion...Thank you...."

"Hmph..." I muttered, but I felt happy. She stood up, and looked at her wrist, at a watch. "Oh Arceus! I forgot about the festival! I have to go Gladion, take care! And make sure to check on that arm!" she said, as she returned her Pokemon in their Pokeballs, and stuffed them in her bag. I gave her a small wave, then watched as she dashed away.

    I suddenly felt a little lonely, but I ignored it. It didn't matter. I needed to go back to base. I stood up slowly, being careful not to use my right arm. I didn't want to mess it up after she had put so much care in trying to fix it. I slowly pulled down my sleeve, to cover the bandage, mainly because I did I not  want anyone to know where I've been. I then finally took a breath, and walked away.

Your POV

     "Alola (y/n)! You came just in time! Are you ready?" Hau said in his usual cheerful voice. As you looked behind Hau, you could spot Sun, with an anxious look in his eyes. You nodded, though you weren't really thinking about the festival. Even though there was about fifty people watching you, Sun, and Hau's every move, your didn't really think about it. No, your mind was on him. His blonde hair, piercing emerald eyes, and-....Wait...Why were you still thinking about him?

    Hau suddenly asked "Hey, why is your face red?" and you realized you were blushing. You quickly tried to fix it, but you could feel your face heat more and more. "N-No reason! It's just hotter here in Alola!" you fibbed, and quickly looked away, nervous he'll realize you were lying.

    If he had caught on, he didn't say a word. Hala walked into the clearing, and you could feel your pulse quicken. Hala glanced at you, and you froze.

"Moonbeam, Hau, and Sun. Are you three ready?" he asked.

    Hau quickly responded with a "Yeah gramps!", and you and Sun nodded. He then led both Hau and Sun onto the podium in the middle, and a hush settled across the crowd. There was a few torches surrounding the podium, and you could feel an odd prickle across your skin.

"For all life on our islands...." Hala started, and you looked at the old man, his stomach bulging beneath his shirt.

"..and for those who undertake the island challenge with joy in their hearts..." he said, and your heart leaped a bit at the mention of the island challenge.

"We pray for your protection...for them and all Melemele. May these battles be an offering to our island's guardian diety-Tapu Koko!"

Tapu Koko..? The bird thingie that saved your life and literally could fly a thousand miles per hour, and the one that gave you that sparkling stone?!


    Hau threw his ball onto the podium, and a flash of light emitted from it, before Rowlet came out. It pruned it feathers vainly, and then let out a loud "Koo!"

    Sun glanced at the Rowlet, and you caught a flash of worry in his eyes before he said "Pikipeck, come on out!" and tossed a Pokeball out of his bag. The bird that you had saw coming out the boat to Alola was apparently a Pikipek, you thought at you gazed at the red crested bird.

Hala looked at the two Pokemon, and then bellowed "Let the battle begin!"

I'm too lazy to post anything else, so this is all for now, but OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! 100+ READS!?!?! THAT'S AMAZING! THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH~!!!  <3

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