Chapter 4

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The concert was about 3 hours long and mine were we having the time of our lives.
But all good things must come to an end.
Soon enough the last song came on and the boys said there goodbyes to the crowd and then in a moment they were gone, the lights turned back on, and all you could hear and see were girls and boys crying and talking through the tears of what they just experienced.
I really really didn't want to leave, but me and Veronica had to get back home soon anyways.
So we grabbed our stuff and slowly made our way toward the exit.
As we were walking I looked at all the stuff I had with me and realized I had forgotten my jacket, and my camera.
" Hey Veronica I'll be right back I forgot something at our seats."
" alright but make it quick!" She yelled.
I nodded my head and quickly made my way back to the seats.

As I was slowly getting closer a security guard got in my way.
" sorry lady but no one is allowed past this point anymore we are cleaning up. "
" I know I know but I left something here and If i can just quickly grab it I-
" all things left in seating areas can be retrieved in the main office out front."
" but please I-
" let the lady get what she needs Paul, it will only take a second."
I turned around and there was a women wearing a black suit and she seemed.. important."
"Hi my name is Jamie I am the head of modest management and I was wondering after you grab your things I could ask you do a task for me.
" um yea sure but can we make it fast I have to get back to my friend who is waiting for me."
" of course." She said with a small smile.
I quickly ran to my seat to get my things
Modest management? That's who one direction are with and she is asking for a task to do cant she get some like other guy from management to do it?
I then went back to where Jamie was standing.
" please right this way I want to go someplace a little more quiet."
I followed her as we made our way to the other side of the arena. Soon we came upon a door, and when she opened it there was a small office. Do they have these in every arena? I shook it off
" please sit." She implied
Once we both took a seat I waited for her to talk.
" so As i can already tell you seem to be quite a big fan of one direction Am I correct?"
" yes I am."
" and as I could see I saw Harry staring at you most of the time for most of the time."
" I guess you could say that..?" What was this leading to? Why am I here."
" listen, Harry has been kind of off the charts for a while and if you didn't know he's not acting like the charming self he usually is when he is off stage, he's done some rebellious things."
Stealing, getting drunk, and some other things I don't need to mention."
"So why do you need me here?" I asked with confusion.

" well Harry seemed like he had an eye on you and I was thinking what if you tried to get together with him and try and change him."

"Wait wait wait.. you want me to act like I'm in love with him?" What the fuck goes on in this girls mind?

" listen I have to go but please write your number here so I can text you more of the info."

I nodded and wrote down my number on the piece of paper.
" alright thank you I will make sure to give you more of the info soon we will keep in touch." I nodded and quickly made my way out of the office and ran out of the arena which was practically deserted by now.
Well this is gonna be interesting I thought as I walked to the car where Veronica was probably waiting to bombard me with questions.

WOW WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT I FINALLY UPDATED. I'm eating and I'm bored so I decided to write but I'll update again soon bye!
- Bonnie

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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