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"Hazel! Hazel, get up!" Is all I hear my mother say, as she shakes me to the point of almost falling off of my bed. I groan, and then stuff my head under my pillow, causing me to be unable to hear my mother's yells.

"Fine!" I scream, shocking my mom, and making her scowl. She walks out of the room just in time, as my phone rings. I hear her footsteps down the stairs, so I know it's ok to answer.

"Hello, Ferris Bueller speaking." I hear on the other line, making me sigh; I knew it'd be him. "Skip school today and come to my house, I'm inviting Cameron." I sigh again.

"My parents will kill me, because, and I quote, 'every single day is a step towards a successful future.' Plus, how would I fake it, I'm not good at that stuff!" I hear him laugh on the other end of the line, making me roll my eyes.

"You're so tight, Hazel, learn how to live. You're becoming Cameron." I giggle a little, and start creating my plan in my mind.

My bus comes at 7, and my parents leave at 6:40, I usually drive myself to school. The only big problem is that Mr Rooney would call my parents; I'll just have to fake it.

My mom's a lawyer, and my dad owns a business, and they both force me to be the smartest I can. I'm supposed to be class valedictorian in their eyes, and I'm already wanted by 13 colleges, even though I'm only a junior. They force me to be this genius, perfect child, but that only takes away the fun I should be having at this point in my life. They love me, they just expect too much.

The door shuts, and I know what I have to do. I bring the phone to my ear after pressing the number buttons, and cough before I begin to speak. "Mr Rooney? Hi! This is Hazel Augustin's mother, I'm calling to tell you that my daughter won't be in school today, she is sick." I say, best attempting to recreate my mother's voice.

"That would be great, I hope she feels better!"

"I hope she will be better, too!" Before I can put the phone down, he begins again.

"Wait!" I hear muffled talking in the background, and can only make out 'Ferris Bueller'. Great, just great, he's onto me!

"Yes, Mr Rooney."

"Never mind, never mind. I hope Hazel gets better. Goodbye, Mrs Augustin." I sigh of relief once the call ends, placing my phone down, and grabbing my clothes for today.

"Ferris, I'm coming over in 15." I say, as he lets out a 'yes'. We hang up, and I get changed, topping the outfit with lip gloss and eyeliner. I then drive to his house in my crappy car that my parents got me when I got my license.

"Hey Cameron!" I smile, as the door is opened to reveal Cam, looking down to me. I'm 5'3, so I don't have a problem with height, but Cameron towers over me!

"Hey, Hazel! Didn't expect to see you here." He says quietly, as if I'm completely innocent. I giggle, walking into Ferris' house.

"Fer-Bue!" I high-five him, smiling wide. "So, what're we doing?" I ask, as he and Cameron look to each other.

"You'll see." He smirks, grabbing his coat and a hat, and walking outside to Cameron's car. I get in the back seat, and then, we're off.


"Ferris Bueller, you're nuts!" I yell, my voice barely audible through the wind blasting by us. I cheer, and Ferris joins in. Cameron whines from under the tarp. We took Cameron's dad's prized possession; his car.

"Look, Cam, you just gotta live a little." Ferris says, as I admire the bright red coloring of Cameron's dad's Ferrari from my leather seat. "Haz, climb under there so that Sloane can get in the passengers seat." I get out of my seat and crawl under the tarp, cramped between Cameron and the seat in front of me.

"I don't have a good feeling about this, Rooney will find a way to-"

"Rooney won't do shit to us." Ferris cuts me off, continuing to drive. We stop suddenly, Ferris getting out of the car and standing in front of it. He has a trench coat, sunglasses, and a hat on to shield his identity.

"Hi Cameron, you comfortable?" I hear Sloane asks entering the car. I giggle, as she notices me too.

"Hi Sloane, no." He responds.

"Hazel?! Is that you? I would've never suspected you to tag along with the Ferris Bueller." I laugh again as she sits down and buckles herself in.

"What can I say, I need a day off." We speed off, and I quickly pull the cover off of Cameron and I. My legs are squished behind where Ferris is sitting, and Cameron, who is in the middle of the two seats.

"Wooo!" Sloane cheers, as I take a deep breath, nervous about what's to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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