Invulnerable {6}

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[ In this chapter, you have to remember that she was locked up without a look into the newer technology. That's kind of why she describes things the way she does. :D ]

We pulled into the doctors office and walked right into the room where the doctor was to see me. A nurse came in with some paper work that Tania needed to fill out while I sat on the bed-thing that they tell you to go on. Tania finished right as the doctor walked in. She handed him the papers, he reviewed them then sat them down on a little table beside the counter where a sink and sanitary items were.

"Hello, im doctor Moon. I'll be you doctor now on." He smiled a friendly smile and came to give me a handshake. He then took out his stethoscope and told me to take deep breaths. He scribbled something down on the papers Tania signed and check my blood pressure, weight, ears and eyes.

"So, what happened today at school?" He asked leaning against the counter.

" I wasssh hith mutishple timesh by boysh."

Dr. Moon looked like I had came from the moon.

"What she means is some boys pulled her into a bathroom and hit her multiple times. The nurse cleaned up some of the mess but we just wanted to make sure everything was okay." Tania said. Dr. Moon looked from her back to me.

" it looks like she did a good job. I could prescribe some pain medicine for her nose and some ointment for her eye, if that would work."

"ohm," Tania started, I knew this was going to be as awkward for her as it was for me. " she was kicked multiple times in the stomach and about 2 months ago, she got pregnant. By no fault of her own; she just had.. family issues."

"I see. You want to know if the baby is still able to live, and if so, function right."

I wanted to nod my head but it still hurt.

"Well, we can do some scans and tests to see. Then you can come back after to make sure our tests were correct."

Dr. Moon took me into a room with a computer, a screen on a rolling stick and a bed. He told me to pull my shirt up and lay down. He then took some blood from my arm, put it in a turtle shell looking machine and pressed buttons. Gel was rubbed onto my belly and the screen on the stick lit up. A massager looking device was taken off a basket beside the computer and put in on my belly. He moved it around a little and a picture on the screen that I took as my belly appeared. It looked like a bunch of water and a broken up little person. Some one who was going to have a wonderful life no matter how they were conceived. I started to cry at the fact that my baby was to be risked because of inconsiderate jerks.

The turtle shell beeped and we both looked at it. Dr. Moon got up and pulled out a sheet that had been printed from it. He sighed and came back over to where he was with the massager. He laid the paper down, did one last time around my belly to get one final look at the baby, and hit something on the computer that made the printer start up again. It was a picture of my baby. He wiped the excess gel off my belly and led me back to where Tania was. She looked very nervous; She was biting her nails.

"Well, from her blood tests and the picture we got on the ultrasound test for fetal nuchal translucency, it looks like as if the baby is not going to make it."

I began to sob and Tania put her face into her hands.

"I'm sorry. I wish it could have been different. I'm sure the baby would have been wonderful. I'm going to put this into her file and leave you to yourselves." He walked out closing the door.

" im so sorry." Tania whispered through tears.

" It'sh okaysh Tanshia. It'sh For thesh better, I guessh." I said tring to get enough energy to hug her, but not finding it.

We went back out to the main lobby and said thanks to the doctor and began our drive home. When we got there, Sage was already home and watching TV.

" Nathalie! I heard what happened at school today! Are you okay?" She ran up to me and thought about hugging me but then thought better of it.

"I'm okaysh. Thesh Babysh not dough." I said pointing to my belly.

Sage put her hands over her mouth and started to cry.

" oh no! no, no! this isnt supposed to happen!" She hugged me, not caring whether it hurt me or not. I didn't really care either. I needed a hug.

" heres a picture of what it is now" Tania said pulling out the little gray and white photo of my insides.

" Aw! You can see his wh-ittle .. body! And its wh-ittle.. something else!" Sage said lightening up the mood. We all chuckled and I took the picture upstairs.

I stuck the picture in the side of the mirror so I could see it everyday. My little whatever-you-were-supposed-to-be. I think ill miss it.

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