Chapter 1

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Willa's P.O.V.

"Willa! Breakfast's ready!" my mother, Camilla James, called from downstairs.

"Great," I thought to myself as I walked downstairs. "I'm going to be late on the first day of school."

I'm pretty normal looking, other than the fact that I have extremely pale skin, due to me not going out much. I'm tall for my age (I'm in my sophomore year of high school) and I have dark brown hair. My parents are divorced and oh, by the way, I'm a tomboy.

"Willa you better hurry! The limo will be here any minute!" mum said.

Did I mention I'm the daughter of the billionaire, Robert James, the man who was voted "Hottest Male Above the Age of 30" on some famous magazine and the Hollywood moviestar? Well now you know.

"Mom why can't I just walk or take the bus to school like a normal kid?" I complained.

"Because your father insisted that if you did, you'll be mobbed or someone might try to rape you since your the daughter of the oh-so-famous Robert James," she said sarcastically.

Yep. Even though they are divorced, and technically my mother won custody over me, my father is still constantly hovering over me like a shadow. Sometimes, I think he talks to me more than my mother!

"Ugh, I guess I'm never going to find real friends at this school either," I wondered aloud.

My mother heard me and walked over and gave me a hug. "Don't worry honey," she said in a soothing voice, Maybe someday, we won't have to live under his shadow anymore. Someday."

A few minutes later, I was on my way to school, in the stupid limo. I know it's almost every kid's dream to one day ride in a limo, but not mine. I'm actually completely against it since they use so much gas. Totally not eco-friendly.

When I got off the limo, everyone gawked, and stared. Then some girl suddenly screamed, "OH MY GOSH! IT'S WILLA JAMES!"

Then I was mobbed.

After 15 minutes, I finally reached my first period, which was English with some teacher named Mrs. Brewer. I just stood there gawking at how large the classroom was. Well then again, this was Woodland Heights High School, one of the richest school districts in California...

Suddenly, a perky female voice spoke up behind me. "Hi you must be Willa James! I'm your English teacher, Mrs. Brewer! Startled I turned around, to see a lady in her twenty's dressed in skinny jeans and a t-shirt that had "The Beatles" on it with her blonde hair tied up into a ponytail.

"Hi..." I started, but I was cut off by the ear shattering screech, that was the bell.

"Oh time to start class!" Mrs. Brewer said, walking up to the front of the room.

"Good morning class! I'm Mrs. Brewer your English teacher! For today just grab a partner and sit next to them! I'll have the seating charts by next week," Mrs. Brewer said.

"Darn it," I thought, "How am I supposed to find a partner when I don't know anybody AND when everybody seems to have already partnered up?" Then I remembered, "Oh yeah. This should be about time I get mobbed."

I was right. 5 seconds later, I was mobbed with people asking to be my partner.

Suddenly a girl with black hair and who dressed in all black walked into class with a late slip. "Sorry I'm late," she said, while gasping for air, "Did I miss anything?"

"It's ok!" Mrs. Brewer said in her perky voice. "And all you missed is finding a partner so you can be partners with me!"

The goth girl looked devastated so I walked up to Mrs. Brewer and said, "Hey Mrs. Brewer? I don't have a partner so I could be partners with..."

"Raven," she replied in a dark tone.

"Ok Willa you'll be partners with Raven then! Now please take a seat!" Mrs. Brewer said.

Raven and I took a seat at the back of the room. Neither of us spoke for a moment, then suddenly she said, "Thanks for being partners with me... Usually people wouldn't risk falling down the social ladder for me."

"No problem, I sorta didn't have anyone else to partner with..."

"Oh you're new?" she said in surprise, then a look of recognition came onto her face. "Oh."

"Yep," I said.

After another few minutes of awkward silence, Mrs.Brewer spoke up.

"Class, now that you've all found your partners, let's get started! The reason I had you find partners was so you could get to know each other more since most of you came from different middle schools! I'm SOO excited to get to meet all of you guys too!" she said in a WAYY too perky voice.

"I swear that lady needs to lower her caffeine level," Raven said under her breath.

I laughed. "I was thinking the same thing! Maybe she's new considering most of veteran teachers don't even bother to talk to us! They just give you a worksheet and say 'Do the worksheet and turn it in.' I said, mimicking my 8th grade math teacher's deep, bored voice.

"That voice sounded an awful lot like Mr.Wayland! He was my 8th grade teacher at Holly Ave Middle School before I moved to Woodland Heights."

"You had Mr.Wayland too? He was my teacher last year too!"

"Wait last year? Ohh you're one of those smarty pants' who skip grades" Raven said in a sarcastic tone.

"What's that supposed to mean..." I said my feelings slightly hurt.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud," Raven said blushing. "I just don't get the best grades to be honest."

"I could help you study sometime if you'd like!"

"Sure that'd be nice," Raven said as the bell rang. "Who do you have next period?"

"Um math with Mr.Hart in room 410, who do you have?"

"Great I'll walk with you, I have Hart next too."

If anyone could make me a nice cover for this book it'd be great! Send them to me by kik @1DInfection809


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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