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As the bell rang announcing the end of the school year, I threw my books in my bag and ran out the door. Logan, by boyfriend, had wanted me to meet him by his car so he could give me a gift for our 8 month. I was so excited and I'd been thinking about it all day! I flew out the door and just stopped in my tracks, I just stood there and stared trying not to let the tears fall from my eyes. There stood Logan at his car, his hands on Amber Monatgue's waist and his lips whispering in her ear. I felt a big lump in my throat and the tears began to well in my eyes. He looked up at me as he pushed Amber away and began to run up the giant cement stair case towards me. I was already walking away towards the car in the neighboring lot before he caught up. Ready to open my door, he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Just listen babe, it's definitely not what it's looked like, I love you darling" he said trying to turn me towards him.

"Are you sure about that Logan." I spat in disbelief. "There is no way I misunderstood that!"

Logan just stood there silent as I climbed into my car and started it. I slammed my door and took off away from him.I needed to get over to Grant Larsen's barn and take my horse out for a ride, it relaxed me and hopefully would help me get my mind off of what had just happened.

Pulling into the main gate of the ranch, I saw Grants truck along with a new Ford Raptor which I'd never seen there before. I jumped out of my car and walked into the barn expecting to see him brushing the horses next to the feed room. The barn was empty though, and it was creepily silent except for a faint whistle I heard coming from near the office. As I turned the corner to head into the office and ran smack into a hard chest covered in a blue plaid shirt. This definitely wasn't Grant, he wasn't even close to this tall and he hated plaid. The stranger seemed started and held me out at his arms length looking down at me.

"Are you lost there sweetie? You can't just wander around here."

I was at a loss of words, his eyes were a deep blue, and they locked on mine as he spoke. He had short brown hair that just peeked out from his white cowboy hat and his tan skin was amazing. that blue plaid shirt of his clung to every part of his rock like chest and his jeans looked perfect as they met his dust brown cowboy boots.

"Sweetie?" He spoke in that sexy accent shaking me from taking I'm his every detail.

"My horse Jasper, I-I keep him here." It was all I could get out, I was so nerve ridden by this handsome stranger.

"Oh so you must me Leighton then? My uncle has told me about you. Says you practically live here in the summer and come riding all of the time."

A smile grew on my face. I couldn't believe that Grant had told this cutie about me. I didn't know how to respond but before too long I began.

"Yes that'd be me, I love this place!" I said in excitement "I wish I could live here."

He let out a small laugh before he responded. "Well I get to live here! I just moved in with Grant last weekend, he's letting me work for him this summer."

I was beyond excited to hear this, I spent every day at the barn during the summer. Hopefully I could help this cutie out and maybe get to know more about him!

"That's exciting! Well since you're here working, would you want to maybe help me get my horse ready for a ride?"

Within seconds he was walking into the tack room and before too long he returned with my saddle and blue striped saddle pad. He held then up and stared at me.

"These yours? They're girly and the rack was labeled Jasper." He said with a laugh.

I smiled and led him over to the stable where my beautiful horse stood and as I opened his door I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I slipped it out and before checking the name on the text I opened it.

*Babe please just hear me out, you know I can't stand Amber. Just let me come over for a bit and make it up to you*

I stared and the screen before shutting my phone completely off and sliding it back into my pocket. When I looked up, Jasper was standing there all prepped with his saddle and waiting for me to grab his lead rope and steer him out of the barn. Beside him was the tall cowboy, his hat off and his fingers brushing through his semi curly hair. He was so attractive! He stepped aside and I led Jasper past him and outside before stopping him in front of the steps to climb on. He seemed to appear out of nowhere and had his hands on the reins as he looked up at me.

"Mind if I take a ride with you Leighton?" He asked with a big white smile.

"Of course you can..um...?"

"Easton" he smiled and quickly spoke before hurrying back to the tack room "just wait for me by the pasture gate"

Before I knew it he was gone. I made my way towards the pasture and just sat there waiting, daydreaming. Easton...what a cute name. He's so perfect, his eyes, his smile, the way his hair just meets his eyes and his name fits him perfectly. I could really get used to seeing him around here.

"Hey there, earth to Leighton!" He said as he rode up. "Ready to go?"

I nodded, and with that we were off through the gate, my mind was off of Logan and completely on Easton.

Passion in the PastureWhere stories live. Discover now