Sunday, April 24, 2011

911 42 2

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I thought a lot about you guys last night. Writing to you has made me even more homesick than I already was. I cried for a while. Don’t worry, I am determined to stay strong through this. If I can find a way out then I will take it, but if not, then I will not allow myself to be defeated by fear.

I hope you guys are doing well. I lay here last night on the bed and wondered what you were up to. I’m so stupid sometimes. I imagined you were all out for our Saturday night cinema trip. I even wondered what you had gone to see and if it was any good. It actually took a little while before I realised you probably didn’t go to the cinema. You probably haven’t done anything at all except worry and search for me since I disappeared. I wish I could tell you I was ok. I wish I could tell you where I am. I wish you could come and get me. I want to go home.

Sorry. I will stay strong through this.



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