Monday, October 24, 2011/Tuesday, October 25, 2011

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Monday, October 24, 2011

                I don’t know if this is the right day. I have completely lost track of time. I haven’t opened this book in months. I’m guessing it’s been about five months since I last wrote anything but in truth I have no idea.

                So, I guess you want to know what’s been going on. Well after my last entry I pretty much completely lost it. My mind was frazzled. I felt like a zombie. I barely ate any food; just enough to keep me alive. I feel so skinny now, but not as skinny as I had been. I have been slowly regaining my sanity over the last month or so and have started to recover physically also. I hadn’t been exercising either, but I’ve started again over the last week or so.

                I lost count of the number of times he has gassed me over these last months. I don’t even care anymore. I don’t hold my breath or try to fight it. I have grown so accustomed to it that I don’t even be sick the next day.

                The only thing that got me to where I am today is Twitch. He is sitting on my bed beside me now as I write this. Every day he would come in to see me and keep me company. I would let him eat all the food he wanted and he would lie beside me as I stroked him. He is my only friend and I truly love him.

                For the last while I have putting water on the floorboards again. I think it is really starting to work and I am filled with a renewed hope that I might one day get out of here. I’m not sure yet when I should actually try to break through. If I try too early it might not work, and it might alert him to my plans.

                So here I am again, lost in time and alone. Waiting.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

                I wrote a poem today. I don’t know how or why. I have never written a poem or anything like that before. I was just lying on the bed thinking about how great it would be to get out of here and how determined I am to never ever give up and words starting forming in my mind. I don’t know why but I quickly grabbed this diary and began scribbling on the back page. Before I knew it I had written a poem.

                I keep reading it back to myself and can’t believe that I wrote it. It says everything that I feel. Reading it fills me with strength and determination and vigour.

                I will get out of here.

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