Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

                Something strange happened again last night. It’s the same as what happened before; I can’t remember going to bed and I woke today feeling terrible. I’ve got a bad taste in my mouth and vomited when I first woke. I have a strange half-remembered memory though. I can sort of remember smelling something that burned the inside of my nose. It was a sickly sweet smell that seemed to fill my entire chest. I think I might have been drugged or gassed or something. He must have released something into my room to make me go unconscious.

But what for? What did he do to me while I was asleep? I don’t really want to know to be honest.

                If I didn’t feel so sick now I would be enraged with anger. What does he think I am, his personal plaything?

                The next time I smell that smell I am going to hold my breath.

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