This isn't Right Chp.3

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You stare at the paper in shock. It shows a drawing of your face and underneath it says "Missing Slave. If found, return to (random address) immediately."  You look up at the man who is grinning down at you. You recognize him. He was the leader of the bandits who attacked your kingdom. But how did he find you?

As if reading your mind he says, "someone told me they spotted you near the port a couple hours ago. I figured you'd be around here. And it seems I was correct."

I start shaking. I could never deal with things like this, and what if he takes me and I'm left alone. There's nobody I can ask for help because he would just say I belonged to him, by showing them the paper. My only option is to take the paper rip it up and run. Or just run and find Sinbad.

Before I could make any moves he takes my hands and locks them up in some cuffs he  took out of his pocket. I start to swing my arms violently, calling out to Sinbad and the rest of my new friends. But they never came.

  "Now let's go. You want to see your family again don't you?" He says while trying to keep me from escaping. I didn't want to say anything, so I kicked and fought the best I could, but his grip was strong. And his grip gets even tighter the more I fight.

I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head, then everything turns fuzzy and blurry then slowly fades to darkness.

Your vision slowly starts to come back, making it clear you were no longer in the city of Balbaad. But now in a very dark room with only a little light coming from a small window high up on the wall to your right. You squint a little to make out a wooden door with another tiny window near the top, blocked off with metal bars. You try to stand up but are pulled down by a chain that's connected to your wrists. It's impossible to escape from that.

  Sinbad POV
"Where is she?!" I yell frantically.
"She couldn't have just...left us!" I'm pacing around outside of a store, I can see the workers sharing glances ever so often. But they were the least of my concern.

"Sin, calm down. She could be anywhere, maybe she saw something in a store and got lost." Jafar says calmly, for once.

  "It's been three hours Jafar! Something must've happened to her-" I hear a small crack from underneath my shoe and slowly look down. I move my foot away  and hold up what I had stepped on.... an opal earring, exactly like the one I gave to (y/n).

  "I gave this to her. Why would it be on the ground? Maybe because.... SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HER!"

"SIN YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YET. Don't go jumping to conclusions like that. She probably just dropped it. Or maybe it's not even hers. We don't have proof! And why do you care so much for her, you've only met her two days ago." Jafar crosses his arms waiting for a response.

"Thats exactly what I thought too. But when I saved her two days ago, and saw those eyes, I knew we've met." I stop and look down at the cracked earring. "When she told us that she came from (k/n), I couldn't help but remember something from my childhood. I didn't know what, but I just decided it was nothing. But now thinking about it, it all makes sense."

"What does? What do you mean Sin?" At this point Mystras and Hinahoho are listening too.

"(Y/n) is the princess of (k/n)." Everyone's eyes slowly widen. Jafar is the first to speak.

  "How could I not even figure that out. It's bizarre that you could." Sinbad pouts at his small friends words.

"But this only means we have to look for her"

Sinbad POV along with Flashback~

  I run over to hide behind a small bush, hiding myself from anyone who could've seen me. I wait there for a bit before poking my head out from the corner of the house which the bush lays against. I turn to see two adults talking, they seemed to be panicked. The one to the right speaks first.
  "Our king and Queen will be so mad once they find out we lost (y/n)." He starts to ruffle up his hair with both hands, and as I look at them more, they both seem to be males.

  "We don't know that yet. She's probably around here somewhere. She can't get that far in five minutes." The second male reassures the man who is now crouching on the ground with both hands in his hair.

  "But you know we can't leave her by herself! You know what happens...." The man freezes up a bit.

"And we'll find her before that happens. Now let's go." They both start walking away, but I follow up behind them.

  "Excuse me, but would you like some help?" I bravely tap one of the men's backs. They both turn around and look down at my small figure. Now that I'm closer to them, I can see they are both armed with swords. And they also both have matching uniforms. So these are the soldiers for the "King and Queen". And they both are probably looking for the daughter, which they have lost.

  "We don't need your help kid, this is private business anyways. So scram!" They turn around and start walking again. I frown. I run up ahead of them and cut them in their tracks.

"Hey kid, move out of the way."

"Maybe if you let me help?"

"Like I said before kid, None.Of.Your.Business."

  "Well, I'll just have to tell the King and Queen that their child had gone missing. And that, Uh what are your names?"

"Rick and Frank"

"That its Rick and Frank's fault." As I finish both their faces turn beet red.

"KID, YOU DONT KNOW WHO YOUR MESSING WITH." One of the men screams, spitting everywhere.

"No I dont, but I'm just saying it'd  be a lot easier for one of the locals to help you out. I know this village like the back of my hand."

"Fine kid, just get out of my sight." They turn around and start to walk away.

"I should've asked what she looks like..." I head the opposite direction from where the two idiot soldiers went. If I were a little girl where would I go?
I head over to the forest where I usually hang out, it's very peaceful. As I enter I can hear slight sniffles from somewhere in the trees. I start sneaking around quietly and hear the sniffles but closer.

  I feel something land on my head and brush it off, it's some bark from the trees. I look up and find a girl looking down at me with snot and tears all over her face. I'd say she's about my age maybe younger.

  "Hey there, do you need help getting down?" I walk over to the trunk of the tree and begin to climb up but stop as she says something.

"N-no I g-got it." She says in between sniffles. She starts to make her way down but her footing gets off and now she's only hanging on by her hands. Every second that passes by her fingers slowly loosen.

"H-hey I got you!" I run underneath her, "let go I'll catch you." She hesitates.

"P-promise?" I nod in response. She takes a deep breath and let's go. I catch her before her body hits the ground. I set her down carefully and look into her puffy (e/c) eyes. They were absolutely stunning.

"T-thank you" before I could say anything else she runs away. Leaving my mind in a bundle.

End Of Flashback, Sinbad POV

As I recall the events of my past I look down at a piece of paper on the ground that had hit my leg. I pick it up to reveal (y/n)'s face, along with "missing slave" written underneath it.

"This isn't right"

This might have been the worst chapter ever. I'm so sorry for how long this took to publish. I could not think of anything to write! I've been thinking about what to write for so long. And ik the soldiers names are pretty lame. I'm not the best at thinking up names. But for future chapters I'll make sure to ask you for name suggestions. Maybe even now. So just tell me some good names in the comments and I'll make sure to add it in for future chapters. The next chapter will also probably take a while to make so be patient
^-^ and please tell me if any of the characters seem off. That has been bugging me for aehile because idk what to make them say >~< But other then that I think that's about it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next! Toodles~

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