Stay Chp.7

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you all so much for reading this really slow book and getting it up to more than 3,000 reads. When I started this book I thought I was going to get nowhere. And I'm astonished to see how well its doing. So thank you. And thanks to all the people who have helped me make this book. Enough talk for now, on to the story(ง ˙ω˙)ว

King? Has it really been that long? The gaurds stare me down and I take a few steps back. It doesn't look like I can talk my way in.
I look around the border of the palace, maybe I can climb over the wall? No no... Sneak in? While I'm thinking, a carriage pulls up and asks for entrance. The gaurds make way and the gate opens. Heres my chance!

Before the carriage starts to move again, I roll under and hold onto the bottom. When the gates are completely open the carriage starts to move into the palace area.

As the carriage passes a couple of bushes I take the opportunity and jump into one. 'Dang what a ninja'. Looking around stealthily, I look for an opening to run to another bush thats closer to the palace entrance. Once a gaurd turns around I dart over to a bush. I finally make it right beside an open window. Its not too high up so I easily crawl my way through.

"Ok what room is this?" I whisper to myself. Looking around the room I see a bunch of maid uniforms. 'Alright, so this is the maids room.' I walk over to one and get an idea.

You walk out of the maids room into the open hallway with a maids uniform on. You decided this would be the easiest way to move around without being caught.

"Excuse me?" Your heart stopped. They caught you already? But how!

"I need you to deliver these to the kings room immediately." You were handed a bunch of scrolls from a boy younger then you with white hair and freckles. Wait...White hair...and freckles?

"Jafar?" You say accidentally.

"Yes what?"

"Oh um never mind sorry" He looks at you for a second as if remembering something important but walks off.

'Ok..but how do I get to Sinbads room?'

Many Rooms Later~

You knock on the last door of this hallway. 'Come on Come on'.

"Come in". That voice is all to familiar. You walk in and behold... Its your boy.. Sinbad.

"Jafar had me drop these off for you." You wanted to mess around with him for a little bit before revealing yourself. You set the scrolls down on his desk next to another pile of scrolls.

All he does is sigh when looking at the extra work he has to do. He looks up to you and you see his golden eyes that you can't seem to forget. He has aged well indeed.

"I feel like I know you from somewhere" he asks you from out of the blue.

"In the hallways maybe?"

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