Power Chpt. 5

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Sinbad POV
"(Y/N)!" I dash to the side of the ship where (y/n) fell from.
"No, no, no" I look over the side and see nothing but the raging seas. With no hesitation I jump over the rail and dive into the frigid waters.

  "SINBAD!" Jafar and Mystras yell in sync. Hinahoho was still beating up the pirates, but noticed what had just happened.

I surface for air then dive under again. I can't see anything underneath me, it's a black abyss. I look around again for a moment longer, but still see nothing. I surface again for more air. Then suddenly I am being pulled from the hissing waves then up to the ships deck. I turn to see Hinahoho looking down on me with a worried look, I also notice small cuts across his face from the fight he was just in.

"Hinahoho! I need your help, (y/n) is still down there!" Hinahoho's worried look turns into a sad one. I back up a little, bumping into the rail of the ship. I prepare to jump off again but Mystras and Jafar grab both of my arms and pull me back.

"We have to go Sinbad!" Jafar points to the incoming pirate ships. They were coming in fast. I take one last good look at the sea. 'This was all my fault'.

Time Skip- (Brought to you by my laziness)

Your POV

  A slight pang in my head was the first thing I could feel as I slowly awaken. I can only recall bits and pieces of what had just taken places a few hours ago... or was it longer? My eyes flutter open while being greeted by an unfamiliar room. I try to lift my head up but the panging gets worse.

"I would keep your head down if I were you. You have a minor  concussion. And it will only get worse if your not taking it easy." You were startled by the sudden voice, you move your head slightly to the right, a man dressed in green was sitting next to you in a wooden chair. He was holding a towel that has been soaked in water.

"Hello (y/n)" He smiles at you with closed eyes. Then he gently places the towel on your forehead, relieving the pang.

"I've been watching you for awhile now, N-not in a stalker way!" He starts to freak out a little bit, and tries to explain what he actually meant but ends up spitting out gibberish.

"But wait.... who are you exactly?" I tilt my head in curiosity but I totally forgot I have a concussion. So I bite back the pain that was throbbing in my head.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yunan, I am a wandering Magi. Or that's what most people refer to me as."

"Magi? I've heard that word before.... Oh my god.... Sinbad!" I jump up out of the bed but once the pain really started to hurt I gently lay my head back down and set the towel back on my forehead. I sigh and close my eyes.

"He probably thinks I'm dead" A tear starts to form in my eye but I hold it back, 'no need for tears'.

"He won't lose hope, I know that for sure." He smiles while closing his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt your thoughts but, when can I leave?"

He opens his eyes and looks down at me. "You should start to feel better in a couple of days. But I think you should stay with me for awhile."

"Why? I need to get to Sinbad as soon as possible. We promised we would meet again. Even though we already did but...."
I zone off, I here movement from where Yunan was and move my head slightly to see what he is doing. He walks off into some little kitchen then comes back with a small box.

"There is a reason why you are here (y/n)." He opens the box and takes out a silver necklace with a beautiful diamond hanging from it. "You have a power that no one else has." The room is tense as there is a sudden silence. "You have the ability to summon what has been living inside of you since you were born. You may have felt it's power many times, but it has never fully came out. And that's why I'm going to keep you here until you can learn how to use its power. And to finally summon...it." He helps you sit up straight as he puts the necklace around your neck.
"And this necklace will help you achieve that goal. Wear it and you can interact with what lives in you, and for you to also use its power." There's nothing for me to do or say. All of this was way to much to take in. I grab the diamond and look at it, the light from the window shines through it making patterns all over the walls. I look up at Yunan, "and how long will that take, to use its power?"

"Years maybe. But if you can't control it's power before then, it could take over your body. But don't worry about that, the necklace will also help to keep it from taking you over." He stands back up again and starts to walk to an open door.

"Does it have a name?" He stops for a second then turns around.

"Zyestra, that's it's name in the legends. But you may call it whatever you like. I will be leaving for awhile to grab something for dinner, please stay in bed and rest." He walks to a door and wanders off. I look back down at the necklace. Then at my hand. 'There's been something inside of me all this time? Did my parents know about this?' I think about it for awhile before drifting to sleep. This sure will be fun.

OMG I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!! I broke my promise of adding a good sinbad part in here! AND WORSE OF ALL IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE! I'll make sure to make the next chapter extra long with sinbad in it and also to get it published quick. I've just so much happening lately:(((( And I'm sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. I was going as fast as possible to get this done. I hope it still turned out good! AND O MY GOLLY THANKS SO MUCH FOR OVER 500 VIEWS T-T that's amazing. Thank you guys so much. And thanks so much for reading this chapter as well. I'll see yall in the next chapter. Toodles!


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