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My boyfriend got in a conversation the other day- I'm not even to sure how. Because it was about Star Wars. And I'm obsessed with Star Wars and he thinks it's overrated.
What a loser.
Any way I was talking about my Jedi costume and how I consider myself a Jedi oc.
And we some how got onto a discussion in which we believe there should be more sith then Jedi, because the Sith let their emotions run wild, while the Jedi are taught to conceal emotion.
We were talking along the lines of angsty Anakin, when he lets his emotions run wild. So we concluded there there should be A LOT more Sith in the universe then you'd expect. People with metaclorin in their blood and because they never got taught to control their emotions by the Jedi, they are full of emotion and turned into Sith.
Thus, a lot of Sith are quite composed in battle when in fact their emotions should be running a little more feverishly then usual.
I want Sith Lords, bursting into tears during battles. Letting their emotions loose and fluctuating their force beyond usual due to the outbreak of external emotion like that.

Anyway I said to myself I gotta design myself a Sith persona so I have a Jedi and a Sith.
And so I was on break today and I drew away and this is my first design.

And so I was on break today and I drew away and this is my first design

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Anyway please vote and comment.
And join into the Star Wars discussion.

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