Girl 9 - Norway & Alex (Zayn Entrant)

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Hello! My name is Alexandra, but all my friends just calls me Alex. I would like to compete for the chance to see my idols of all time! One Direction!

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

Age: 21

Location: Stavanger in Norway.

Interests: I'm really into 1D, which I already have told you. I love to read (don't judge me :P ) and I like to hang out with my friends. It would mean so much to me if I were to be choosen, not only because I get to meet my celebrity crushes, but because it's a great upertunity. I'm kinda social, if social means that I'm stuck inside my room playing on my phone with one of my ... 3 friends. :P

Boy: Zayn Malik.

I choose Zayn because he's just ... purs AWESOMENESS! I love him so much and I think we have much in common, both of us have a love for Tatoos. I only have one, but I would like more. The one I have is in my back, it's like a heart with wings, and it's right over the edge of my pants. OK, I don't think that was nececary to say but now you know!

I love Zayn's Tatoos!

I don't quite understand Liam on that spoon thing :P

I like Louis' fotball skills!

Nandos, me and Niall, perfect match!

And who doesn't like Harry's freaking curls?!

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