Task 1

105 5 3

Okay girls.

This is ur chance to shine... in the yes of the guys, you've picked.

Ur task is the following:

Its Valentine, your going out with your crush (the guy you choose)

Describe to us how you feel, and what you do... in 250 words or less send your writing to... my email mjroco@hotmail.com with the subject line your name... the guy and the title of your valentine day story.

To be able to go through to the next round you need.. 25 votes on your profile the one with all your details in it... and 25 votes on your valentine day themed story...

Your entrants need to be in by.... the end of august...

good luck girls, hope to see them soon..

The PopStars Wants A Girlfriend (OneDirectionFF) (In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now