Prologue: Decision

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How tiring...

Why can't these people learn that they'll never win against me unless they train...

Really... instant power-ups only happen in shounen manga. There's no way that it'll happen in reality.

Sigh... how bothersome... I wish things aren't so monotonous these days. There's even a set schedule as to when things are to happen.

Wake up, eat, bathe, do paperwork, train, eat, fight current challengers, shower, eat and sleep...

Rinse and repeat...

Damn it! I AM SO BORED!!!

That's it... I have had enough!

Those were my thoughts as I contemplate on the fact that once again, my current challengers are not up to snuff. Ever since half a year ago, when I finally conquered the Death Tower, combat meisters arrived en masse to challenge me for the title of Champion of Death.

Hmph... As if defeating me would have earned them the title. Despite the fact that I already told people that one needs to enter the tower to earn the title, there are still those who are stupid enough to think that they only have to beat me to gain the title.

It was quite insulting, really. To think that they believe that someone who managed to conquer that death trap could be beaten so easily by a bunch of weaklings who don't even bother to train. Just because I'm female doesn't mean that I'm weak. And yet, there are still those who think that my gender is an indicator of my true strength.

Despite feeling annoyed, my expression doesn't show any of my emotions. For those downed idiots, I probably look like a coldhearted bitch.Well, it's not like I wanted to keep such an expressionless mask. But according to Gene, my reputation would suffer should my face reflect an emotion other than indifference to outsiders. Even when I asked why that would be, the jerk just told me not to worry about it.

Mou! I've had enough! These guys are so lazy. They've already had their daily beatdown and yet none of them were willing to leave my dojo. Hmph! Do they all have nothing better to do than to bother me daily? I wouldn't really complain if they're at least at a good enough level to make me move from my position. But no! All of these guys just crumple down the moment I strike them down with my palm. They aren't even ashamed by the fact that they were always losing to me just by essentially being slapped on their faces.

Hmm? Are these guys masochists? If they are, then it's no wonder why they always come here to get thrashed. I was going to ask them about it but the moment I open my mouth to ask, I lean silver-haired fellow walked in the dojo gracefully. His emerald eyes swept across my downed opponents and said in the most spine-chilling tone that I've heard from him so far, "Leave."

The moment the idiots heard him, they sprang to life and ran out the door in such a hurry that you would think that the hounds of hell were chasing them. But then again, this guy beside me really gives off the feeling that he's the king of the underworld.

Meh! Whatever. At least, my place is now free from idiots. As soon as I felt the presence of my challengers disappear, I turned to my companion and pouted, "Ne, Sora... I'm bored!" As an added effect, I even pounced at him from behind, forcing him to carry me piggyback style.

Sora, just gave an exasperated sigh and proceeded to carry me towards the manor proper. I arranged my position so that I wouldn't fall down while my companion leisurely walked towards our destination.

As we arrived to the entrance of my room, I slid down Sora's back and placed my hand on thw lock panel. Upon scanning my fingerprints, the lock on my door turned from red to green and the door to my room opened. As soon as I entered, I threw myself on the bed before sitting cross-legged while hugging my pillow. I turned at Sora expectantly and continued to pout at him petulantly. Resigned, he proceeded to sit at the foot of my bed and teased me, "Gene, would be apoplectic the moment he sees you acting so unladylike, Kuro."

"So? It's not like you're a stranger to me." I complained.

Chuckling, he said, "I guess. But I'm not talking about how you act with me. In fact, what I'm talking about is the incident at the dojo earlier."

"What about it? I just slapped them around a little, y'know." I grumbled.

"I'm talking about after that. Really, if I hadn't intervened, you'd surely have said something scandalous."

"What do you mean scandalous? I'm just going to ask if they have masochistic tendencies, y'know." I protested.

I eyed him weirdly when Sora suddenly placed his palm over his face and groaned. He was still acting odd so I asked, "What's wrong? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"No, no. I'm just glad that I manage to enter the scene before you ruined everyone's image of the cool and graceful Black Phoenix. Really, I wonder how many meisters would still look up to you once they realize that you're only serious when fighting. Those students of yours would surely cry tears of blood should they see this side of you." He said with a wry smile.

Affronted, I exclaimed, "What do you mean this side of me?!"

"I mean the stupidly careless side of you that shows your lack of self-awareness. You're so careless that you unthinkingly invited me inside your room. I'm still a man, y'know."

"As your ex-fiancee, I think that the fact that you're a man is already known to me. There's no need to emphasize that fact, Sora. And as for my students, those brats know better than to concern themselves with my eccentricities." I told him blandly, causing him to sigh.

With an expression that says that he gives up, Sora changed the subject and asked, "So, what's bothering you this time? You don't usually whine about boredom."

Not really caring to make him explain about our previous topic, I simply answered, "I'm feeling suffocated by the monotony that is currently my life. It seems that conquering that damn tower is such a stupid move on my part. The better meisters no longer wish to fight me while the dregs seem to think that they could go against me through sheer numbers. The only thing that excites me anymore is teaching those brats how to use a sword. It's infuriating. Teaching is supposed to be a relaxing pasttime not the highlight of my day. I am now so bored that I actually volunteered to do my paperwork for these past months much to Gene's horror. In short, I really have nothing better to do aside from lazing around in this house. Damn it! How come my life is so pathetic?!" I complained as such surprising Sora who began to look thoughful.

I waited for him to say something knowing that he would know what to do. And, just as I thought, this guy has an idea on how to alleviate my boredom. He gave me a considering look and said, "Ne, Kuro, you're 16, right?"

"And you're 21. What of it?" I answered sarcastically.

"Well, doesn't that mean that you're still eligible to attend senior high school?"

"So, it's not like it matters since I've already graduated my business degree at Kirin University."

"Actually, it does. You said that you felt that your life as it is now is monotonous. So, why not enroll back in school and have fun. As you've said, you've technically no need to study. So, you could enjoy being a normal teenager provided that you still give a token effort to pass. You could even enroll in the same school as your younger brother, Raikou and those twin retainers of yours, Gene and Yoru." He explained.

I guess the idea has merit. Living as an ordinary civilian seems to be the sort of change of pace that I really need. I gave a smile and said, "Alright! I'll go back to school. But, I'm not going to the same school as those guys. Because if I do, I'd be hounded so much that I'd be unable to enjoy the experience."

Glad to have my acquiescence, Sora smiled and told me, "I guess that's all of it then? I'll take my leave now so I could make the arrangements for you."

"Really! You'd do that? Thanks! I'll wait for you to finish." I said a bit excitedly.

Grinning at my sudden show of enthusiasm, Sora ruffled my hair before leaving. As soon as I felt his presence disapper, I buried my face on my pillow in order to prevent myself from squealing in delight.

Finally! My days of boredom will disappear. For sure! I, Hikari Tsukiko, will soon live the most enjoyable high school life!

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