Chapter 1: From Fighter to Schoolgirl

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A week has passed after my conversation with Sora. In order to ensure that no complications will arise, I already informed my retainer about my plan to go back to school.

At first, Gene was shocked to hear about my willingness to go but when I told him that it was Sora's idea, he gave a sound of understanding. He offered to have me enrolled in his school but I declined. I reasoned that since I wanted to experience new things, it would not do to be in the same vicinity as him and my half-brother Raikou. After all, if we're so close together, I would probably unconsciously seek out Gene while Raikou would do the same to me. I said that as I am way too dependent on him and most likely with Sora too, it would be better if I'd be in an environment wherein I'd be force to interact with my age-mates. I also told him that given his penchant of babysitting me, he'd also end up following me, which would probably alienate me from the rest of my future classmates.

Understanding my reasoning, Gene agreed to allow Sora to make all the preparations for me. However, he made me promise to inform him of my whereabouts as soon as I'm settled in my new environment. Realizing that this will be the only concession that he will give, I gave him my assent and told him that I'll be giving him constant updates so he need not worry about me. Sigh... I wonder why Gene is such a worrywart. It's not like I'm incapable of taking care of myself. It just so happens that I'm a veritable magnet for trouble. Which in all cases is not my fault. Though, I sometimes wonder where I got my luck. Well, I don't think it matters. After all, I'm going to school and not a battlefield.

So, with that, I managed to convince my personal caretaker that I'd be fine on my own.


In addition, in order to prevent any issues from arising, I informed my students that I'll be going on a vacation for at least a year. I didn't tell them that I'm going back to school so that no one would have the bright idea to follow me. Although, the look on Hiei's face is a bit suspicious. This red-haired youth is a tad too intuitive for my liking. But, then again, given that he's Sora's youngest brother, it wouldn't surprise me if he grows up to be as cunning as him.

Of course, all of them complained about missing combat lessons. However, I told them that I already assigned another instructor to supervise them. I also gave them a compilation of everything I planned to teach them for the upcoming year. This way, they can still learn even without me breathing down their necks. Aside from Hiei, the rest of my students were satisfied. Apparently, I become such a slave driver whenever I'm bored or irritated. So, although they didn't want to lose me as an instructor, they also thank the fact that they would have a year's worth of reprieve from my exhausting methods of teaching.

Of course, after I heard them say as such, I gave them an eerie smile that sent shivers down their necks before saying sweetly, "Saa... since I wouldn't be able to watch your daily progress as soon as I start my vacation, I'm going to test you as soon as I return. That's why, make use of your time well, my dearest students."

Cowed by the slight menacing aura surrounding me, my minions, I mean, my students nodded vigorously and promised to train hard. They even wished for me to enjoy myself. Then again, they're probably hoping that if I return in a good mood, they'd be saved from doing something embarrassing later on. Well, since I'm actually in a good mood, I decided to let them off the hook this time.

After ensuring that the rest of my students were preoccupied, I turned to Hiei and asked, "Is something the matter, Hiei?"

After hearing my question, the cute brat looked at me with a frown and said, "Are you going to be okay without Gene-nii or Sora-niisama with you?"

I felt my eyebrow twitch at his question. Am I really that unreliable in this kid's eyes. I gave him a forced smile and said, "Of course. It's just a vacation. There's no need for me to trouble those two. After all, I can handle myself."

"But... what if you get lost again? Y'know, just like when you ended up entering that weird tower?" He asked seriously.

Damn it! I actually forgot that I had this kid accompanying me back when I accidentally entered the Death Tower. Of course, back then, I didn't know what kind of tower it was. Although, it was such a famous place, I never really bothered to learn its location. So, when I entered it together with Hiei, I decided on a whim to take on the challenge that it posed. Really, if I had known of the trouble that my whimsical decision would give me, I would have dragged myself back out even if it meant that other meisters would jeer at me for being a coward. But I disgress, I would think that this kid was being sarcastic if it weren't for the fact that he was too serious for his own good. That's why, I merely sighed and replied, "I'd be staying at one specific district of your brother's choosing. Thus, there's no way I'd get lost. Man, really kid. You worry too much..."

"I see... So Sora-niisama really had something to do with your sudden decision to take a break. I guess, I'd just ask him to include me in his preparations."

"Eh?! Why?" I exclaimed a bit.

"Because this way, I'd know for sure that your abysmal sense of direction wouldn't lead you to trouble again.  Besides, I got nothing better to do anyway." He said as if his words were the most logical thing to do.

Knowing quite well how stubborn Hiei could get, I resigned myself to having him accompany me to school. But before that, I drilled my fist in his head and asked a bit miffed,"What do you mean 'abysmal sense of direction'? I'll have you know that my sense of direction functions quite well, you brat."

Wincing in pain, my red-haired student just stared at me in disbelief. He was about to say something to refute my words but I cut him off by saying, "Anyway, if you're coming with me, then you better tell Sora. 'Cause, I'm leaving without you if you're not at the manor by the time that brother of yours finishes arranging everything."

Gazing at me reproachfully, the kid gave a solemn nod and excused himself from today's training so he could prepare. Phew! I finally managed to stop that brat from speaking anymore about my tendency to get into places unexpectedly. Hmph, it's not like I wander everywhere on purpose. It's just that I tend not to take notice of where I'm going whenever I'm lost in thought. Although, I guess, this time, that tendency of mine resulted in such troublesome consequence forcing me to take such drastic measures like what I'm doing now.

Well, whatever. It's no use crying over spilt milk. I'd just have to make do with what I have now. Anyway, now that I've sorted everything out, I guess it's time for me to pack.


Another week had passed. This time, I met Sora and Hiei at the manor entrance. Beside me was my luggage. Upon seeing me, the brothers greeted me while I proceeded to lead them towards the visitor's lounge where I asked one of the servants to serve us some tea.

As soon as we're seated comfortably, Sora spoke, "Well, here you go... I've already filed the paperwork and had you enrolled at Seiryuu Gakuen. Everything's under your name including the house where you and this kid will live. The records will show that you're an emancipated minor in charge with your younger cousin. I would have written you off as siblings but you don't have similar features. Then again, this way, both of you could retain your own names without any problems. I also contacted Gene regarding your monetary needs. According to him, he set up a separate bank account for you to use as you wish. It would be replenished through your original account monthly. The tuition has already been paid for both of you so you don't have to worry about that. Basically, all you have to do is go to school, get a passing grade in all subjects, and enjoy your vacation. Although, you can find a part-time job if you really want."

"Does this mean that the aside from our daily necessities, Hiei and I don't have anything to worry about?" I asked warily while Hiei looked at his brother with a slight frown.

"Well, you don't have to worry about the technicalities since I've already handled that with Gene's help. But, you do have to worry about those siblings of yours once they find out that you left the manor without notifying then. You see, I'd rather not face those three when they're in their overprotective brother mode." Sora said sheepishly.

I waved off his concern and told him that I'd handle it. Happy at my response, the silverette offered to escort Hiei and I to our temporary home. And, as we drove towards our destination, I began to to try and settle myself into the mindset of a student once again. I really hope that things would truly be more exciting from now on.

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