Part 6

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Rose POV

Am I dreaming? This can't really be happening, can it? Woohyun is in love with me?

I'll admit, I felt a little attraction to him back then....okay a lot of attraction.....who am I kidding? I'm in love with him too.... But this can't happen.... If the fans find out....

"Woohyun" I wiggled free of his arms. "You should go back to Seoul."

He looked at me in shock "Why?"

"Because I can't return your feelings" I replied coldly, trying my best not to let my voice betray me.

I could tell he was hurt by what I said "Rose..."

"I'm sorry, but I really need to get back to work. I have a deadline to meet" I turned my back on him.

Woohyun POV

Is this for real?.... Is she really rejecting me?....I thought she...Is this really happening?

I held back my tears and said "I'm sorry for disturbing you." It took all the strength I had left in me to turn and walk away, but before I left the room I said "I'm sorry that I burdened you with my feelings. Goodbye, Rose."

I tried to maintain my composure as I left the building, but I couldn't hold back my tears. I pulled out my phone and called Himchan. "Hey Hyung!" I cried.

"I take it things didn't go so well."

"I don't know what to do" I continued to sob.

"Where are you?"

"On my way back to the hotel."


I got back to the hotel and collapsed on the bed. Why did things turn out like this? I pulled out the envelope full of pictures that Myungsoo gave me before I left and started to cry again.

A little while later, all the members of B.A.P came in with a bag full of alcohol and Himcahn said "I ordered some snacks. They should be here soon."

"Thanks Hyung."

Himchan POV

After talking with him, I knew he was brokenhearted so I gathered the guys and we went and got some alcohol so that he could drink away his pain.

"I thought she liked me" he drunkenly sobbed. "She even said I was her bias." I patted his back as he cried. "Look! Look!" he stumbled over to his bed, grabbed an envelope and handed it to me. "Why did I have to fall in love with her?" he sobbed as he passed out.

I put the envelope down, carried him to the bed and sighed as I tucked him in.

"Hey Hyung! Look at these!" Youngjae waved me back to the table.

"What is it?" I asked a I walked back over.

"You're not going to believe this!" Daehyun chuckled.

Youngjae handed me the contents of the envelope and I was shocked. I looked back at him as he mumbled in his sleep "Rose...Why?..."

The next morning, I woke up early and headed out. I knew that we had to catch a flight later today, so this was going to be my only chance. I made my way to the Fox 5 news station and asked to speak with Rose.

Rose POV

After Woohyun left, I broke down and cried. "This is for the best" I sobbed. "He deserves to be with someone much better than me."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. I quickly composed myself and turned around. "Can we come back in now?" June asked as she and Chris were standing in the doorway.

"Of course!" I smiled halfheartedly. Then I snapped back to reality and realized that I didn't have time to wallow in my own misery; I had a deadline to meet. "Let's get back to work!" I psyched myself up.

We managed to finish the article on time and were able to leave early for once.

"Want to go out for a celebratory drink?" Chris suggested.

"Sorry, but I'm kind of tired. Rain check?"

"Sure" he sighed a bit.

I went home that night and cried myself to sleep. The next morning, all I wanted to do was crawl back under the covers and sleep some more. I was too emotionally exhausted to care about doing anything, but I couldn't let this control me. I still had some work I needed to get done before my flight.

As I entered the building, the receptionist called me over "What is it?"

"You have a visitor" she pointed to the seating area in the lobby.

I walked over and was surprised to see Himchan sitting there. "Hello" I bowed politely.

"Hi Rose" he smiled. "Can we talk?"

Surprised by his straightforwardness, all I could say was "Sure." I took a seat opposite him and asked "What is this about?"

He handed me an envelope and said "I think you should see this."

Even though I was thoroughly confused, I took a look at the contents of the envelope and was shocked. "Where did you get these?"

"That's not important" he replied. "I want to know why you rejected him. Anyone who looks at those can see that the two of you are in love, so why would you turn him away?"

"I don't know where you got these, but..." I steadied my resolve "this is a personal matter. It's not something you should concern yourself with."

As I stood up to walk away, Himchan said "He drank so much he passed out last night." My chest started to tighten. "He's still in love with you."

Himchan POV

As she started to walk away, something fell from her purse. I quickly picked it up and ran over to her. "Wait a minute" I called out as I grabbed her arm.

"What is it now?" she asked angrily as she pulled her arm away.

"Sorry, but..." I handed her the plane ticket she dropped "you dropped this."

She quickly snatched it away. "Thank you" she bowed. "I really hope the rest of your world tour goes well" she honestly said. Then she held her hand out "It was a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure was mine" I replied knowing that there was nothing else I could say to make her change her mind. "Thank you for your time."

"Goodbye, Himchan" she said and then turned and walked away.

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