Part 8

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Rose POV

I breathed a sigh of relief once I passed the security check point. How did he know I was here? Did Angela tell him?

I found my terminal and lined up for boarding. I really need to get away from here so that I can think.

The six hour flight seemed to pass by quickly. Once in LA, I figured I'd call Angela back to let her know that I was all right considering our call was interrupted. I reached for my phone and couldn't find it. "I could have sworn I put it in here" I dug around my purse looking for it. When it was nowhere to be found, I rushed to the security desk and said "I think I lost my phone."

"Which flight were you on?" I showed him my plane ticket and he said "Give me a moment." He placed a call. He came back a few minutes later and said "They didn't find a phone on the plane."

I sighed in frustration "I know I had my phone at the airport, because I was talking to my friend."

"Maybe you dropped it before boarding your plane" he suggested. "Let me give the airport a call to see if anyone turned it in." He returned to his desk and made another call. When he returned he said "Unfortunately, they said that no phones were turned in. Would you like to try calling the number to see if anyone answers?"

"Yes" I nodded. We walked over to the desk and I tried calling my phone. After a few rings, it went to voicemail. I tried one more time, but had the same result. "No one is picking up."

"I wish there were more we could do for you."

"It's fine" I smiled. "Thank you for your help."

"Have a good day miss."

"I guess I'll just have to call her from her place" I told myself as I left the airport.

The drive to her place wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Traffic was no worse than it was in New York. Once inside, I quickly put my bag down and called Angela.

"Hello?" she answered a little warily.

"Hi Angela! It's me, Rose" I said.

"Why are you calling from my house?"

"I lost my phone" I admitted.

"Really?" she giggled.

"It's not funny!"

"Sorry" she tried to stop laughing.

"How is everything going? Your parents getting along with his?"

"It's going well" she replied happily. "It looks like everything is going as planned. You're still coming out next month, right?"

"Of course! I already have my flight booked and everything!"

"Good! I wouldn't want you to miss our wedding."

"You know I wouldn't miss it for anything" I chuckled.

After taking a nap because I was so jet lagged, I grabbed the envelope that Himchan had given me and went to an all night cafe.

Woohyun POV

After having to wait all day for someone to cancel or not show up for their flight, I managed to get a seat on a red-eye flight.

The flight seemed to take forever and my nerves wouldn't settle at all. I hope she doesn't run away from me again.

Once we landed, I quickly made my way to the taxi station and gave them the address.

I was so nervous when I got to Angela's place, I almost chickened out. I couldn't stand being rejected again.

I walked over to the door and rang the bell, but there was no answer. I tried again, but had the same result. "Where is she?"

Seeing as I really had no plan and no way to contact her, I took a seat on the doorstep. Hopefully she won't be gone too long.

A few hours passed and I started to doze off. I must be jet lagged. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard some one say "Woohyun?"

My eyes sprung open and I looked up. I smiled when I saw her "Hi Rose!"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, remember?"

"But how did you even know where to find me?"

I smiled and simply said "Angela."

Rose POV

I should have guessed. That girl knows me better than I know myself. Still, I'm surprised that he would follow me all this way.

I quickly looked around and it seemed as though no one had noticed that he was here. "Let's get inside" I said.

"You're not going to turn me away?" he was surprised.

"No" I replied. "I'm not going to turn you away. We need to talk." I ushered him inside and said "Take a seat. I'll make us some tea."

"So this is Angela's place?" I heard him call out to me.

"Yeah" I replied. "I thought I'd take some time off and come here for a while before going to visit her in Seoul."

"Ohhh" he nodded.

I returned from the kitchen with the tea and took a seat across from him.

"I'm sorry for showing up like this without calling first."

I chuckled "That's okay. I actually lost my phone recently."

"You mean this?" he pulled out my phone and placed it on the coffee table.

"Oh my! Where did you find it?"

"You dropped it at the airport before you left. I happened to pick it up while Angela was on the other end. She told me where she thought you might be going, so I came here."

"Thank you" I smiled and then started to giggle.

"What? Am I that funny?"

"No" I laughed a bit more. "I was just thinking about how this all started in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"It all started when Angela found Sunggyu's phone."

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