Chap.7: What propose.....

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Three men pass to neraj's sister so she shouts in fear

"what .... what about me??!! I did what u told… I showed u the alive girls in town… now would I go… u ll let me live right.. can I go??"

M3: u didn’t even ask about ur brother…

She replayed: my brother can save himself … I don't care… I care my own life…

M1: ur a traitor… u betrayed ur own Kingdom, lead us to the girls of ur own place to save urself… that is such shame…

Then he moved and drag swara with him who shut her eyes tight reading their mind.... knowing what ll happen…

The other two men transformed to werewolves and attacked the girl ripping her in parts while she souts in pain….

M1 to swara: her brother gave his life to save her while she didn’t even ask about him, cheep dark elf's…

Swara: ur a heartless person…

M1: traitors must be killed, so they don't pass their filth blood to other generations…

Swara: my opinion still same, and more…

This man differed from the other two, he was extremely calm: what's ur name???,,,


"r u a semi??"

Swara bite her lips, get her control then spoke: no.. I'm mere human… and u…

M1: no need for such hurry.. u ll remember my name very well…

By that time the other two caught them and in seconds swara saw a carriage full of young and kids girls and boys… and she was pushed among them….

M2: hw many r they now?

M1: 20… I think it's good… lets go…

Three men ride the carriage and swara was token to face her new life….. she found small spot for her in the carriage and cry silently..... remmber her family... her father... their laughs... and how life is truned for her now.... she knows she is special and that ll remain her secrete....

Far at Asola palace…. It was indeed bloody scene, bodies of defeated soldiers and royal family all over palace yard and soldiers of valmor moving and stapping anyone alive… inside palace, deep down in the dungeons, Sanskar, separ and Lila where prisoned… they were the last left from the royal family… they were hand cuffed above their heads.

Sanskar couldn’t open his eyes… his Kingdome was defeated, his father was killed in front of his eyes… his elder sister died defending him… he was only a captured prisoner, and nothing more than that.. and now he must pray for his life.. more he must pray that his secrete isn’t exposed…

Lila: sanskaaar!!! Sanskaaaar…. Calm down.. calm ur heart beats…

Sanskar: I never had to… bryaan..

Sanskar was sopping and crying his brother who died in the sake of saving him… just in front of his eyes... he couldnt weep his aching scene from his mind... nor the soft smile he had in his face.....

Lila; I know that Bryan shield ur heart.. but now he is gone and so his shield, ur true self must kept hidden Sanskar… seper try cover the sound…

(separ couldn’t anything but beating his cuffs to the wall so he cover the sound of Sanskar heart beats…)

Sanskar: y?? y should I live? Y should I fight??

Lila: so that what Bryan die for won't be wasted….

Sanskar: and what is that??

Seper: a better world for us prince Sanskar, to be again a united Kingdome of dark creatures, to regain once again the kingdom of AKERA

Sanskar: and then what? Killing humans again… use them as use and throw material for our own blood need… no thank u I don't wanna serve such propose… I prefer die….

Lila: saaaanaaaakaaaar, listen to urself…. Cant u get it… u have the ability to change that….

Sanskar: how and I am….

Separ: NO mOre

The three are silence as they felt the coming of princess vallrina… and someone else…

She reached their place

Val: would u stop ur noise separ, it annoying….

Separ: I can't… this is hw I count hw many I killed from u and how many I ll kill….

….: how dare u, ur dirty bloody dark…

That was the man with vallrina

Lila: general Zamora if I am not mistaken ....

Zamora: no, ur not princess… I'm valmor army leader, general Zamora,,,

Lila smiled: shit and leader on shits haha

Zamora: how u could…. (he slapped Lila hard that her mouth bleed )

Sanskar: how u dareeeeee u … let her gooooooo u bloody dark creature.....

Val: oho … finally ...  the silent prince spoke… what a pleasure ....

Sanskar lock them in eye contact full of hatred and rage….

Separ: princess Lila??!!

Lila: I'm fine separ, calm down my brother… he can't hurt me even if he want too

Zamora: said by whom…

Lila: by mee….

Zamora moved willing to give her another slap... but vallrina...

Val.: leave her Zamora… we prepare something special for her, na… so leave … (boyh smirked evily... ready each other thoughts except for sanskar...

Lila read the thoughts slowly, she was terrified but kept her coolness… and blocked part of her mind..... she can't be weak now….

Val: weird… now u know what we have for ur sister… wont u act, prin… nahi.. prisoner Sanskar….

Sanskar don't know what they talk about but still say: I ll rip the heads of u all, till the last person of ur family …

None in this room knew hw Sanskar had the courage to speak those words… not only that but with such confident and such strong heart and fearless aura… that vallrina and Zamora shake in fear in their hearts…

Val: ooohhhh that voice, those shells…. I expect that from u… specially hearing the roamrs about u.... sa .. an .. sss .. kaaaar

SWASAN: Queen's Maid & King's servent (On Hold) [#Wattys2017]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن