Chapter 10: Andara Market

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Hello all.... long time since i update here

But hard to manage....

Hope you understand

Previous: Swara marked by burn, sanskar leave separ

As soon as sanskar finished his words talking to himself, he fainted of over tired.... After time a pass by Convoy had many men and boys found Sanskar fainted with wounds.. they took him and care his wounds and put him with other boys....

After while he start to gain conscious.... And find himself in big market and rope around his neck, laying on small stage and boys sit around him...

Boy spoke to him: u better woke up, if they found out ur not healthy they ll feed u to beasts

Sanskar was calm, very calm actually.. he didn't know where his fate will lead him, but he promised himself and his family one thing... wherever his fate take him, he ll be stronger and he ll never die before getting his pray. He gazed that boy with his calm silver eyes

Sanskar: where am i?

Boy: Andara market?

Sanskar: who are they?

Boy: merchants

Sanskar: what they sale?

Boy: everything... what's your name?

Sanskar hesitate but then nahi, he won't give up his own name: Sanskar....

Boy: I'm rashed

Rashed talk about his life while Sanskar gives no head to that knowing that sooner or later they ll separate... and as expected it happen, when ugly man came

Man: stand up u all com on fast..

As Sanskar was weak and body not recover of wounds, he took mint struggling, man pull the rope and Sanskar was pulled from his neck to stand

Man: when I say up, u up fast, understand...

Sanskar gaze him with hate and didn't utter a word..

Man: u dare gaze me ah, look down com on..

But Sanskar gaze didn't move, so man pull the rope down and Sanskar neck was bent. Sanskar wench in pain as rope was too harsh and thick around his neck and was hurting him badly...

Man: u all are slaves now.. u must look to floor all time unless ur told to look up, sumji...

But Sanskar nature as prince force him to look high, he just cant lower his gaze... and man had to deal with that. The seller tie Sanskar neck rope to floor in away to make his head and neck bend all time in painfull posture and warn him from sitting on his knees or he ll break them...

Sanskar couldn't see any but bare feet walking, he was dressed in some short and scarf around his top body... then the awful sound of the merchant ring his ear (come and see the finest slaves... look and buy... come on come on.... Slaves from all around kingdom)

Sanskar small eyes moist, from being the most fearst prince to a bloody slave... but he hold his tears as he promised himself he ll only be stronger no mater what...

People gather around the stage but he was still bent, he hear boys and girls been taken, arguging about the price, even that Rashid was sold to a man need workers for rich guy.

Soon he felt feet stand at him, like a carrage pullers

Merchant: oho... balraj, In Andara, its been a while my friend

Balraj: indeed... I see that ur businsse going good, u even have slaves from lakshya kingdom...

Merchant: and I see that war of swaranta given u many slaves

By hearing swaranta name, Sanskar heart ache... ache more than usual, it was fast beating and ashing like never before... like it ll busrt... he felt that what run in his veins not blood but liquid fire ... he didn't know what with him...

On the carriage cage, swara was sleeping but it like something punched her from inside and woke up with a jerk

Swara to herself: what happen why I feel so aching, what is it graranta... speak to me... gragantaaa..... y she dnt replay me... propaply cant hear me.... she say that our bond not yet strong to hear my call.... but my heart.... i feel so ach... like i must go some where... like i must do something... like killing some one.... Whats happing to me????

Yes its true .... swara and sanskar could feel each other presence or some reason...

Balraj: whats with that bend boy?

Merchent: he gazed me and gotta break him....

Balraj: where u Found him?

Merchent: Westren dessert

Sanskar was afraid to b know.... what if someone drom swaranta reginised him

Balraj: let me gazed him....

Merchent release rope.. it was seconds and sanskar controled his fear... and then he was pulled again by the rope and this time cuts were around his neck.... blraj gazed him deeply... sanskar kept his head bowed

Merchent: he seem to get his lesson..

Balraj: look up..

But sanskar didnt... he avert his agaze every where...

Balraj raise his face by holding his chin

Balraj: where u from??

Sanskar: appolonya

Balraj gazed him with his wolf eyes: i woukd say ur... ur... from swaranta.. its scent fill u...

Sanskar: i was there with my father for selling goods and got trapped n attack

Balraj: hmmmm ur human.... undress him...

Merchent: do u wanna buy him??

Balraj: perhapes..  do it...

Another man and two came and gazed sanskar as well and start putting prices and when blraj state to undress all wait...

Merchent pulled sanskar to stage and everyone could see him... thn merchant ripped his cloth and stood naked in front of all people


Sooo how it was....

Know its short update... but hope you like it

Precap: U R Sold

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