Chapter 42

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Andy's POV

"She bested you? " asked Bruce disbelieving pointing between me and Clint making me huff indignated.

"Why does everyone think this is so surprising? " I asked crossing my arms in front of me as I let myself fall on the couch in the living room, Percy followed suit and sat besides me on my left, while Aní jumped on it and sat on my right.

"I think Percy beating Cap is more interesting. " stated Natasha suspiciously. "Where did you train? " he directed the question to Percy, but I knew I would be asked the same thing.

"At camp."he responded and I mentally facepalmed.

"What sort of camp? " asked Steve leaning forward.

"A camp for ADHD and dyslexic kids. We train in judo, karate and self-defense since we can't sit still and all that. "

"Smooth. " I said mentally, but he only threw me a glare. I smiled cheekily at him and Clint took that as his que to ask me, "And where did you learn how to do that? Archery. Fighting. Same camp? "

"No. Two of my adoptive sisters taught me. First I learned how to use a bow, then I got to more complicated things. Fighting with and without knives.  "

"Only knives? " No.

"Yes. " I lied but they didn't realise this.

"Where are these girls now? We could use people like them. " said Clint and I was ready to strangulate this man. I glared at him and I saw him flinch.

"They are dead. Not that they would've joined you. "

"Why not? " he asked again.

"Clint-" tried Steve to stop him seeing my look and Percy put his hand on my shoulder since he felt the water pipes ready to burst.

"Because you're a man. And clearly you have no idea what words you utter. Bad experiences with men make someone rather suspicious and untrusty of them, won't you say? "

"Bad experiences? " he asked and Aní growled at him jumping from my lap.

"Όταν σκέφτηκα ότι δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι πιο ηλίθιο, θα αποδείξει ότι κάνω λάθος." (When I thought you couldn't be more idiotic,you prove me wrong.) I spat getting up from my place on the couch. I gave him one last look before I headed to my room without saying another word. My fists were clenched shut as the water pipes began to rattle responding to my anger. I heard hurried footsteps coming after me and I swear I was going to yell at whoever that was, until a pair of arms turned me around and I saw the concerned face of my brother.

Without needing to say anything he got me in a tight hug and I clung to him as memories of Zoe and Phoebe came back to me. I could've saved Zoe from Atlas. I could've told her to stay in camp while we left with the quest. I could've helped the hunters when they were fighting against Orion. If I made my duty and stayed with them, she would've been alive.

I barely registered I was crying until a tear rolled down my cheek on Percy's shirt. Then another. And another. I was shaking from my crying. I knew for a fact the pipes weren't going to explode any time soon, but I felt drained. Between hiccups and Percy's shooting words, I managed to mumble a, "M-My r-room. " but he understood. He took me bridal style to my room. He opened the room with a kick and I really didn't care. He got me to my bed and layed me down on it. He immediately sat besides me and hugged me.

As I was listening to his constant heartbeat, I managed to get my feelings under control. In the end, Percy wiped away my tears and made me lay down to rest. I was so exhausted, both physically and emotionally that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
3rd POV

"What did I do now? " asked Clint as Tony was giving him the stinky eye.

"What do you think Barton? " he asked rhetorically as soon as the twins were out of ear shot. "Her sisters thought her everything she knows. She never went to a school. But what she got... She got to see one of them be murdered in front of her eyes and the other one was shot in a terrorist attack, which by the way she blames herself for. You asking if they would join SHIELD made her remember everything. "

"Didn't know you could be so protective over someone other than yourself Stark. " retored Steve as he watched the conversation unfold.

"Shut up Spangles. I adopted Percy when he was 7 and even if I know her for only a couple of years , I consider her part of my family. "

"Yet don't you find it a little odd? " spoke up Natasha drawing the attention to herself. "Both are very talented when it comes to fighting. They seem more guarded than any teenager should be. Have you noticed how they took in every detail of the room as if they were expecting something to attack them? "

"What are you suggesting Natasha? " asked Steve and she looked at him before she answered, "I think they're hiding something. They might be working for someone. We should keep an eye on them. "

"Working for someone? Nat, they're just kids. " said Steve unbelieving what she just uttered.

"Kids that can beat you, the supersoldier and Clint one of the best agents of SHIELD? Think about it Steve. Doesn't it seem the least bit fishy to you? " when he didn't answer she tried with Bruce. "Bruce? "

"W-Well... They certainly aren't your ordinary set of teenagers. From what I noticed so far, they both have ADHD since they couldn't keep still when they were talking with us. Percy said he went to a camp for dyslexic kids, so he must be one. Considering him and Andy are twins, they must be having both dyslexia, which makes sense since she said she was thought by two other girls, supposedly more verbally.  But there are other symptoms that are concerning. "

"What do you mean? "Asked Tony who wanted to know if they were in danger or something.

"They show signs of PTSD. Percy shows them the most. He has bags under his eyes, like he didn't rest too well the last days, he stares into space like he's relieving some memory and let's not forget how he's always by Andy. I think she's able to bring him back if he has a-"

"A what? "

"A flashback. But she doesn't seem any better. Only the reminder of her lost sisters were enough to set her over the edge. I think she just hides it better. "

"The question is: What happened to them? " wondered Clint looking in the direction the two went a little time ago.

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