Chapter 45

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Today was a good day.

No nightmares on my part or Percy's. I had my normal run with Steve and made a guy gap at our speed, turns out Steve knew that guy named Sam Wilson. Then we got back to the tower. We trained a bit. Clint was a sarcastic lil shit again and Aníkitos had his fun chasing him. He screamed, we laughed...good time.

Now we were in the living room, well most of us. Tony and Bruce were down in the lab doing gods know what. Me? I was on the couch drawing,feet pulled up as at the other end of the couch was Loki who was reading a book. Turns out he can pull the whole 'midgardian look',as he calls it, better than Thor.

Natasha and Clint still had their suspicions about Loki, but they didn't do anything so I guess he'll be fine. Steve actually agreed pretty fast to give him a second chance and gods was Thor happy about that. Right now goldylocks was 'discovering the wonders of the midgardian technology' by playing flappy bird on a smartphone Tony gave him. Steve was reading the newspaper and Clint challenged Percy to a game of Call of Duty Black Ops. Percy was leading with a score of 5 to 1 at the moment and Clint still wanted to beat him.

Like that's gonna happen.

I was once again drawing. It helps in getting away from the thoughts in my head once in a while. For whatever reason I was drawing a masked man, the mask covering the lower part of his face, revealing only his eyes which I had a feeling they should be blue. His hair was coming a bit over his shoulders, but what it puzzled me were the tentacles I drew around him, almost like they were caging him. Should this mean anything?

I was drawn from my thoughts by the ding of the elevator signalling someone's arrival. The doors opened revealing a dark skinned guy with an eyepatch and over all dark clothes (even a black trench coat, who wears one in the summer anyway?). Next to this guy was someone even stranger. From the built I could see it was a boy, teenager, not that older than me or Percy, maybe even our age. He was dressed in a red and blue spandex suit with a design that would make Aphrodite cry.

I mean... spiders. Why?

The pirate dude exited first and Spidey followed after him.
"Where's Stark?"he snarled as soon as he came closer. I rolled my eyes.

"Morning to you too." I replied and he heard me. He was fixing me with his glare and I almost laughed. Was that supposed to be intimidating? Then his eyes landed on the person to my left.

"What is he doing here?"

"Reading obviously."I replied again and I found myself with a gun pointed at me.

"Who are you and why is Loki lounging around?" He growled expecting us to tremble before him. Well Clint already stopped the game and Nat was giving him her undivided attention. Steve got up from the other couch and walked to him.

"Sir we can explain."He began but Thor cut him off.

"My brother was deemed innocent being under the influence of Thanos and  the AllFather claimed that he would be a great ally to our team!" At that Fury raised an eyebrow.

"When did you learn how to use an inside voice?"

"When we met Lady Andy for the first time."

"That would be me, Mr Pirate."I raised my hand like a schoolgirl and I saw his eye twitch in annoyance.

"What's your name and how did you got here?"

"My name is the one that was, is and always will be-"man I like how annoyed he can get, "and I used the door."


"You know... a door. A piece of wood that-"

"I know what a door is!"he remarked and I smirked. Before I could wonder why he asked if he knew, he continued his questioning. "What is your full name and why are you here?"

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