Chapter 6 - Moving in

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After our intense night and even more intense morning, Emma and I are sitting at the table and eating breakfast.

"What were you thinking about... when you went 'screw it'?" I asked and ate my sandwich. The blonde looked at me and smiled.
"The first or the second time?" She asked and I chuckled a little.
"The first time... you seemed to hesitate about something." I leaned forward a little and looked at her curiously.
"Well..." She started and put down her sandwich. "I wasn't sure what would be the more gentlemanly thing to do... I mean like... we just met at that point." She bit her lip. "But how could I possibly resist someone so beautiful, silently pleading for help. Even though you said I didn't have to do it, I could tell by your eyes that you really did need me to do it. And well, I didn't offer it halfheartedly." She blushed a little at the end. I was a little taken aback but I chuckled.
"Did you have the hots for me, Miss Swan?" I asked and grinned a little. She gasped and looked away before nervously looking back at me.
"Maybe..." She swallowed. "The moment you opened that door and stood there in that flimsy robe... I could only see you and nothing else, I just instantly fell for you even if I knew nothing about you." She murmured. I chuckled more and blushed.

"It was embarrassing though..." I bit my lip and she smirked a little.
"It was for the both of us... You were a mess and naked under that thing. It didn't leave a lot to the imagination, Regina." I blushed even deeper the moment she said that.
"Shut up... I don't want to hear it." I moved to finish my sandwich. The blonde giggled softly and pushed her hair back.
"It worked out in the end, didn't it?" She sipped her coffee.
"I suppose you're right."

"Morning moms." Henry came down and sat with us.
"Morning Henry." We said at the same time and looked at each other before chuckling a little.
"What's with you two..." He looked at us weirdly and shook his head. "Mom, can I have pancakes?" He then asked me.
"You can have a sandwich, it's not like we're eating pancakes everyday young man." I told him off. He then turned to Emma and pouted. "Henry Daniel Mills... Don't give her your puppy dog eyes. I said no, so it's no." I made clear and she chuckled.
"Listen to your mother." She said.
"And your mother." I shot him as well.
"Language!" We both said at the same time. Emma struggled to keep a straight face. It was a good thing I've been a Mayor for the last 28 years and perfected my pokerface because I needed it right about now.

I got up and made Henry a sandwich.
"Any plans for today?" I asked as I sat it in front of him. He stopped struggling and started eating it.
"No... I was hoping maybe mom and I could do something?"
"You're going to have to be more specific." I chuckled and sat down.
"Emma, I wanna hang with Emma." He looked at her hopefully. She shrugged.
"Why not." She smiled at me and I nodded. 
"Just be home on time... Dinner is at 6. I'll be in my home-office if you need me. I need to finish some work anyway." I smiled and got up to put my dishes away.
"Why don't you get to work, we will handle things here." Henry said and smiled. I cocked an eyebrow.
"You're saying you will do the dishes?" I asked and he nodded.
"Very well..." I looked at him suspiciously and just left my plate there before getting ready to go to work. What 10 year old would take it upon themselves to go do dishes when they could be gaming or reading comics.


Even if it was a day off for Henry and Emma, I was behind on some work since I couldn't really focus yesterday. Obviously... What bothered me still was the fact that my gut was telling me that Henry was up to something. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I could tell there was something going on in that boy's head. 

I didn't think about it too long as I really needed to focus on my work. Just when I was about to, I got a text message. It was strange because no one other than Henry had the nerve of texting me. You either called or made an appointment, but a Queen doesn't text... I looked at the device blinking on my table and picked it up. It clearly wasn't Henry because he isn't home right now since he's out with Emma, and didn't own a cellphone. It became clear to me that he must have given Emma my number since it was he name under the lines of text.

'We might be a little later than 6, I didn't expect this amount of traffic -Emma' Was all it said. Traffic? Since when do we have traffic in Storybrooke... You could literally stand in the middle of the road of Mainstreet all day and not get hit.
'Miss Swan, where did you go off to? -Regina' I texted back and got a message not much later.
'It will be clear when we get home. -E' Was all I got back. I stared at my phone and groaned. This wasn't helping at all... I tossed the device aside and went back to work.

When it turned 6 I got up and grabbed my phone again and started typing.
'What time do you expect to be back? Should I bother cooking at all or will you drive by Granny's? -R' I asked and stood there looking at the device. It took several minutes before I got a reply.
'Hey mom, we're near Storybrooke now. We'll pick up something along the way. -Henry' It was now my son texting me back. I suppose Emma gave her phone to him so she could focus on the road. Smart girl.


I sat on the couch watching TV, though more accurately, I was flipping through the channels to find something interesting. I settled on a game-show since it seemed to be the only thing on right now. I groaned a bit in frustration and thought about what I usually did to kill time. It then when it dawned on me that I didn't really have such a thing since I was always battling a war inside that I no longer had... At least not for a good week if last time was anything to go by. I sighed and heard a car pull into the drive way. I shot up and opened the door only to see Emma and Henry getting out of the yellow bug. I smiled as I saw them.

"Seriously, where have you two been?" I asked and shook my head a little when I noticed boxes in the back of Emma's car.
"Boston." Henry smiled and held up a take out bag from Granny's. "Let's eat first? I'm starving..." He brushed past me and went to the kitchen. I turned to watch him disappear before turning to Emma.
"I would have gladly paid some movers you know." I looked at her and she chuckled as she stepped inside.
"I really don't have that much stuff, it's just those two boxes... And Henry wanted to know how I was living all that time so, we decided to go back together and grab it all." She said and bit her lip. "I hope you're not mad I took him all that way..."
"N-no... I just would have liked a little warning." I said and chuckled a little. "Your text puzzled me a bit, that's all."


After our take out dinner, we moved the boxes inside the house and I let Emma get settled in. I suppose it was a bit strange for the both of us that she moved in so quickly, but it felt right to me.

I was wiping the make up off my face when Emma slid into the bathroom behind me and kissed my shoulder.
"You know, you look better without all that junk on your face." She whispered to me and I blushed a little.
"Miss Swan, are you flirting with me?" I smirked after recomposing myself.
"Perhaps, Madam Mayor~" She purred and kissed my neck. I finished up and turned around. She had me pinned between her body and the sink.
"So, what is your business here, Miss Swan?" I asked and she leaned in and kissed my lips.
"Well, I'd love to be all charming and romantic, Your Majesty... but I really need to go to the toilet, so please hurry up!" She pulled back and pouted. I look at her dumbfounded before I start laughing.
"Oh, I'll get you back for this later..." I smirked and left the bathroom. The door was slammed shut behind me all I could hear was a sigh of relief.


A/N Probably not the best chapter ever but we'll get there... I'm mainly setting up so we can have more fluff between our lovely couple~ So please bear with me QwQ tnx

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