Chapter 6

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My name is Set. That's the only name you'll get out of me.. I'm 21 years old, and I've been at lab 504 for 10 years. I'm Egyptian , well mostly. My father was an Egyptian archaeologist, and my mother was an archaeologist from America. They met while studying a newly discovered tomb in the valley of kings, and the pyramids in Giza. They moved in together to save costs and allow her enough money to stay longer to study. At least, that's what I was told. Eventually they fell in love, and had a child who wasn't supposed to be born, that they didn't want. They named me after the Egyptian god of the desert, foreigners, storms, and violence, Set. They did this as a sign that I was foreign, and evil. Well, that never really happened, but I am named after an Egyptian figure. Anyways, after I was born, they decided to leave me for dead inside the throne room of the largest pyramid in Egypt. That's where things start to get really interesting. The Egyptian gods took me to the realm of the gods, where the visiting Greek god Athena taught me to be wise, and ares taught me about war. Horus and Ra raised me the most. They taught me to be strong and good, and to protect what was dear to me. When I turned 10, they decided that I would be placed in the very place they found me, but first Set, Ra, Horus, and Anubis claimed me as the mortal vessel of the Egyptian gods. I was found in the very throne room I was left in, sitting on a golden throne which belonged to the king who was once once buried in the pyramid. I was brought back to mortal civilization, where the scientists at lab 504 found me, and brought me to their hidden base in a desert in America. The second I arrived, the Islamic demon king of fire, Iblis, claimed me. It was painful, excruciating. There were angry red flames all over me. Horus tried to protect me, Set and Ra tried to kill the demon, and Anubis tried to prevent my living body from getting burned, but they all failed, and Iblis claimed me as well, but not before burning most of my back and some of my face. I wear a mask to cover the burns in my face. It's black with the eye of Horus in solid gold in place of where my eye would be. I still talk to the gods. In my dreams when they aren't fighting Iblis. Thats why I have such terrible, constant nightmares. In rebellion of my terrible nightmares, I've created a symbol. It's the eye of Horus inside a pyramid topped with an ankh. It's a symbol of protection inside one of hope, and under one of life. It symbolizes protection inside dreams, from nightmares. It protects from intruders in dreams and nightmares, which I suffer from too often. I draw this symbol on anyone who falls asleep in my presence, or who I find asleep. Those marked don't especially like being drawn on in permanent ink, but it's for the best, to protect those I care about from the things which haunt me. My room here in lab 504 is the best one, in my opinion. We all get the choice to choose and decorate our rooms here at 504, and of course I strayed from the living hall, where everyone else stays, and went all the way down to solitary cell number 3. It's the one with the pastel pink fluffy walls made of cozy memory foam. You can sleep anywhere in there. I have an army of plushies to attack intruders and a canopy of blankets to protect me from cameras. You jsee, in each of these plushies are small knives whisk don't cut through the plushies, but cut through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter. I still have a room in the living hall, but it's completely barren because when I do stay in the living hall, I stay with mick, and I keep my clothes in his room. All that's in my room are spider webs, long since abandoned. Speaking of spiders, I have a lovely black widow in my doorway. I've named her charlotte and I feed her the pesky little insects crawling in the hallways around my cozy padded room. Speaking of padded rooms it's getting pretty boring to just say padded room, so I'll name it..."the fortress". I stay in the fortress quite a lot, so much that the scientists have tried to force me into the living hall. That didn't turn out well though. It ended with Dr Linda Watson dead. I killed her, and I enjoyed it. After that they decided not to mess with me, and that it was invest interest to let me stay in "the fortress", since apparently I'm a sadistic, and legally insane person. But really...who isn't insane here in lab 504?

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