Chapter 2 "the bet and I found help"

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Your pov~ 

I walked into my cell with Seitarou and it was empty "isn't there suppose to be other inmates here" I asked turning around and Seitarou was no longer there and the door was locked "oh well I finally found Momoko" 'I hope she won't be too mad' the other inmates are trying to escape my tummy growled and it was just as someone I chef's outfit walked past he unlocked the cell and grunted for me to follow him I'm assuming he's taking me to the kitchen I love to cook it's been so long since I cooked the big guy dressed as a chef enter a room I followed and it was the kitchen he sat me at a table and went to make food 'this is a japanese prison hope he doesn't give me fish' he came back out with salisbury steak "t-thank you it looks really good" he grunted and went and washed all the dishes he used to make it for me then saw a guard Ruth behind me "who told you, you could leave your cell to eat something?" a bald guy asked I turned my head to look at him and the chef that cooked my food waved the guard over to talk after they did he can back and sat next to me "your beds already made in cell 13 and I'm the guard of this prison block Hajime" "nice to meet you Hajime" I said went back to eating "zero huh real name kuro" I nodded finishing my food "I'm ready to go back to my cell now."

After you got to your cell you got in to your bed and you pulled out your head phones you snuck into here and plugged your ears listening to music and falling asleep

Time skip Hajime night round to check on the cells 'I checked all the cells nothing was going on but the boy who came here today he gave me a look that looked like it was the warden maybe she has a brother with (w/c) hair and (c/c) eyes but I recognise that look he gave me' I finish my round and went to sleep with Seitarou watching the cameras

Time skip morning your pov
I woke up with 4 pairs of eyes on me "the hell is this?" i sat up took the headphones out of my ear to hear a bunch of questions from the 4 boys "one at a time!" the all stopped and the first one to speak was a boy with black hair and red tips "my names jyugo what is yours" "well jyugo my names kuro but call me zero my number alright green hair next" I said "im niko! what's your favorite anime?" "hi niko my favorite is (fav/anime) blond and pink haired guy next" "hey I'm uno what's your favorite type of girl?" "my favorite type well she would have long hair she would be nice but also strong against any one purple and red hair next" I just described myself "I'm rock whats your favorite food?" "(fav/food) now that you said food I'm hungry!" I say as I get up and stretch they all got up and the door opened to get food we went to eat and got breakfast after that we all went back to our cell jyugo was trying to get everyone to breakout to wanted to see how long he can last "Lets do a competition see who can last longer zero or jyugo!" uno and rock said "jyugo goes first" I said they all looked at jyugo he was opening the cell door "try and make it more then a minute" uno said he left and about 3 minutes later jyugo is brought back by Hajime we all waited for Hajime to go back to work when I was sure it was safe I left the cell unlocking the door with my weird power I went down the hall to see them all following me "go back to the cell!" they all ran back to the cell I was walking out the door no traps were in my way as I unlocked the front door I saw the ocean in front of me I looked around no one was their to stop me I sat at the edge of the wall dangling my feet into the water "sis where are you now, Nanba is so big I can't find you" I said 

I heard a voice behind me "so Hajime let one slip out yah" I turned to a guy who was sitting on a desk chair "the names Mitsuru Hitokoe I over heard what you said, so your sister's a cross-dresser or she's the warden" he said "I'm the one cross-dressing just to get to her now and yes she's the warden Momoko and I'm here I don't know how I can get to her" I said as I was about to cry "why don't you just take off the wig and contacts and chest wraps?" "I don't have any clothes to change into when i do" a tear escaped my eyes but the man Mitsuru stopped it and wiped it off "no need for tears baby doll ill help you get to Momoko but for now though I'm gonna take you back in their so Hajime doesn't beat you senseless wouldn't want the wardens sister to be beaten up before she goes to she her" he said and picked me up over his back and took me back in 'only a little more waiting until I see her' he was walking around prison block 13 with me on his shoulder "where was number zero?" I heard Hajimes voice "sneaking out on my way in I found him and knocked him out cold" I heard that and acted a sleep "i will take him to his cell" Hajime said almost nervous "Hajime man I can do it besides you got 4 other inmates to capture" Mitsuru said and Hajime I'm assuming bowed and ran after the other 4 of cell 13 "how did you know they were out?" "looking for you probably any way where to your cell" he put me down and I turned to go back inside but he put a hand on my shoulder "I think I deserve a treat for helping you so much" he said and I turned around and kissed his cheek "that will do for now but next time on the lips okay babe" he said and winked and walked away I went into my cell and fell asleep.

Mitsuru's   pov
I looked at Momoko's family history she had one sibling by the name of (y/n) claimed dead after car crash and flew off the bridge was never found I wonder what the stories gonna be of how she ended up in jail I'll have to ask the little princes when I got off work I went to town to get a dress for her but didn't know how big she was under the wrap I did pick up a few different sized bras and underwear for the little princess to try on and a body measuring tape I went home with this stuff and put it in a bag for tomorrow how to get him other than sneaking into Hajimes block and taking her out to have her try on the things I got her and take her measurement "this time she should kiss on the lips as thanks but i want her wig to be off!!!" I said and went to sleep.

NANBAKA! The Wardens Trouble Making Sister (crossdressing reader x Nanbaka)Where stories live. Discover now