10 Truth or Dare

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I'm sorry lady's I'm very sorry for not updating I got a new job lately and really need to pay off me bills but have no fear NEW CHAPTER is out!!!!!!!

10 The wardens trouble making sister (crossdresing reader x Nanbaka) CHAPTER 10

Your pov
After staying at Mitsuru's place things kept getting hot I mean really hot it's time I went to my sisters place she is in the middle of making a place for me to stay but we wanted to spend time together when she picked me up Mitsuru was at work so when I went with Momoko to her office we went in the side room where we wouldn't be bothered we had to keep quiet when all the officers where doing there reports to her but left them on her desk we played games, video games, truth or dare, all kinds of fun games

Momoko's pov
When we played truth or dare it was my turn to ask first "truth or dare little sis?"
"Dare!" "I dare you to get inside the teddy bear suit and run around the prison screaming for Hajime" I said having a devilish plot behind my actions "why Hajime's name?" "Because it was a dare and now you have to and make sure you run before anyone catches you they wouldn't know if you were a guard or an inmate so keep running" I said and drew a map I know she runs fast but she loves to toy around

I showed her my map she started getting in the suit "and ill stay here and wait for your return how long do you think it will be?" I asked "about 40 minutes I think if I'm not back by then send Mitsuru after me" she said  "okay!"

(Y/n) pov
I started running through the halls 1-4 they were easy they where more shocked that they couldn't even move when I entered building 5 though the captain, samon chased me all the way through the building after I escaped 5 I went to to all the others without a problem when I got to 13 I peaked before going in I entered and screamed "HAJIME" I then dashed for it but ran into hajime who looked to be really pissed off I ran right passed him I think he just got back from his break I saw seitarou and waved to him but I know he won't recognize me in a teddy bear suit after I got out of the building I went straight back to Momoko's

Momoko's pov: I was making dinner (y/n)'s favorite meal that mom always made for us I had to have her be a personal guard for jyugo while I'm gone no telling what will happen all of a sudden she bashed through the door and stripped off the teddy bear suit "I'll never wear that again" she threw it down and finally noticed the scent "are you making moms favorite that she used to cook for us all the time?"  She asked I turned to her "yup i am! Does it smell like how she used to cook it? I'm not that good of a cook" "it brings back so many memories even just the sent reminded me of those times we would wait in the house all day smelling it" she said to me "yea I do remember it oh it's done go wash up while I get it all set out" as she left I saw a sparkle in her eyes must have missed mom all these years I got out all I needed to set up and got it done she came back and sat down with me.

(Y/n) pov
I came back and sat with Momo the food did bring up so much we started eating and during dinner "I have to ask you to watch over jyugo I'm leaving and don't know how long I'll be I need you to watch him for I have bad vibe about my leave this time" Momoko asked me "sure sis!" "I leave tomorrow morning I trust you with this" after dinner we watched a movie then it was time for bed....

That night I dreamt a nightmare it was mixed with my memory's and a giant pig I woke up in terror and glade I dident have to have more of that dream Momoko's leaving so early I went and said goodbye she had hajime keep me in building 13 with him for her orders to me first day was peaceful had no problems other that Yamato, seitarou and rock where seriously hurt me and hajime where going to go to building 5 to see why the talismans where one rocks and Yamatos backs and seitarou was badly injured by Yamato we were leaving but where stopped by cell 13 wanting to go I said yes but hajime had a problem with it but finally gave in seeing as they would only break out if not for us just taking them with us in the first place I'm also loving this cute prison guard outfit so off we went to building 5.....

To be continued.......

NANBAKA! The Wardens Trouble Making Sister (crossdressing reader x Nanbaka)Where stories live. Discover now