Chapter 10: Breaking Promises for Second Chances

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Saturday, September 30, 1978, Los Angeles, CA

"Excuse me." I say as I try to move Charles out of my way and walk up the stairs of my house. Instead, Charles uses his force and I am blocked access of the stairway. I am no longer resisting because he is way stronger than me.

"PLEASE?!?!!" Charles cries in a persistent tone. I hesitate at first before telling him ok.

"Fine but you only have three minutes to talk Charles so you better sum it up real quick. Go." I say in a stern voice still filled with a whole lot of attitude. Without wasting even a second, Charles starts his sob story.

"Lena is my little sister, Dana's assistant dance teacher. When I went to pick up Dana from dance one day, Lena and I hit it off real well to the point where we even exchanged numbers. Now, this was when you were in Minneapolis with Prince so I was mad at you for not being here with me." Charles says. I scoff and roll my eyes. She called me plenty of times in hopes of going on a date with me. When I finally thought that I had lost you, I decided to say yes to her after all. We went on date after date after date after date. And I never mentioned you to her so I guess that she assumed that her and I were dating and I should have nipped that in the bud as soon as possible but I never did. The one time that you ever seen us together was the last time that we were ever together. That night is something that I am most definitely not proud of. It is a moment that I would never, ever want to relive." Charles sobs.

"I get all of that, Charles but where is the apology? I don't care about what happened." I say feeling no remorse whatsoever. "You are going on and on about what happened but I want a sincere apology. Come on, Charles. I don't have all day. Only three minutes so speed up the story." I say as I sit on the steps of my house. Charles sits down next to me before sighing and rubbing his face.

"I honestly and truly don't have the right words to explain how sorry I am for what I did to you." He explains.

"Well you better put in a complete sentence because I'm gonna get my apology today." I say folding my arms across my chest.

"I am so so very sorry for the pain that I have caused you and I truly mean it. It was when I saw your teary eyes that my heart broke into million and millions of pieces. To know that I have caused you to cry, caused you to hurt, caused you to feel any kind of pain, it- it made my body, soul and mind cry with you and I wish that I didn't let my ego, my needs and my selfish ways get the best of me because it hurt you and that is- that is the last thing that I would ever want to do. I am more than sorry for I did to you." Charles cries. I can tell that he is truly sorry but all it does is make me angrier and angrier all over again.

"Did you come here to tell me how sorry you are or how hurt you are?" I asks in a tone that is quieter than a shout but louder than a whisper. Charles just looks at me confused and dumbfounded.

"You come here, begging me for three minutes of my time, just to tell me how hurt you are because of me and my feelings? If that is your way of an apology, then baby, you could definitely forget it. Leave sorry greeting me at my front door. Last thing I need are anymore apologies. If it makes you feel any better, then listen to my apology for causing you pain. I was hurting so deeply when I saw you kissing that little girl. I couldn't quite wrap my finger around why you couldn't just trust me and know that Prince and I are not romantically involved. If we were, I would have said something a long time ago. The whole situation hurt me but it also hurt Prince which hurt me even more. I couldn't bring myself to tell Angela and Kenya. Now what kind of apology would that be, huh? You know what? I think that it has been way more than three minutes and I think that it is best that you just leave while I am still calm." I scream while releasing the great amount of anger that is in me. I can see by Charles' wide eyed and scared facial expression that he is not used to seeing me like this.

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