*please ignore the dates, I wanted to keep track of my ideas and haven't gotten around to deleting them yet.
Low mummering was heard through out the school. Once again we had another incident. This time it was Mr. Lazorous's middle son. His name was Kaleb. He was the face of the school, the leader of several clubs and organizations. The first round of students found him yesterday morning in front of the west wing staircase leading up to the third floor. The third floor has been shut off to all students and faculty since the first several incidents. Word says that he was found with several deep lacerations across his stomach and down his forearms, several of the bones in his legs had been broken horribly. The bones could be seen jutting out of the skin.
Around me is completely pitch black. I cant see my hand in front of my face, but i feel pulled to move. Walking blindly, following the pull. Panting can be heard just a bit further. Running towards the sound, my surroundings begin to lighten up. I see a faint outline of a staircase, someone is at the top of it. I run to him, reaching an arm out to grab a hold of his jacket. My hand goes straight through him. Fast footsteps are closing in on us. I can't see the person clearly. A light bounces off an object the person is holding. The boy beside me turns and runs down the stairs. The person with the object jumps over the ledge and land directly in front of the kid. Lunging at the boy, the person slashes the boy across the abdominal. Dark red comes to sight. He hollers and lunges at the person. They strike again making another line. He shoves them and turns to run. With inhuman speed the shadow regains its balance and jams their foot with all their force onto the boy's knee. A gruesome crack could be heard. Hollering a bloody cry, the boy falls onto the stairs facing his attacker. Keeping his arms up in an attempt to block any additional blows. The shadow strikes quickly, hitting all the major veins. Looking up the shadow turns its gaze on me. The shadows face begins to make a popping noise of bones cracking. Forming a terrible smile, the shadow loses interest in the boy. And slowly makes it way up the stairs. Turning sharply I run toward the forbidden floor. My steps echo off the walls. Seeing a door ajar I run towards it, feeling the shadow quickly catching up to me. Slamming the door behind me. loud thump could be felt through the door. Grabbing hold of a chair near by, i jam it under the door handle. The door shakes as the shadow lunges against it trying to force it open. Scanning the room, I notice a small window placed at the far end of the room. Pulling with all my might, the window would not budge. Hearing the door finally give away, i frantically bang on the window hoping it would break. The hairs on my body lifted. It grabbed hold of my torso and pinned me in place. In a low gravely voice the shadow spoke "you're next". The knife bit into my side, I screamed with all that i had.Waking up in a pool of sweat. I glared at the alarm, it was only three a.m.
7 November 2016
turning to stare at the ceiling i noticed a faint shine on the floor. Seeing that it was rosemary cross. I know for certain that i had it placed on the post of my bed. Placing it on the night stand, i returned to bed and attempted to sleep.
Hours passed by, and the faint coloration of the sky began to change. Dawn was approaching. Having not been able to get any additional rest, I literally crawled out of bed and fell onto the floor. A loud thump could be heard from downstairs.
"Damion are you awake?" Dad yells from approximately the kitchen.
8 November 2016
"Hurry up, im making bacon!" Dad yells even further in the house.
Bacon sounds really good, shoving myself off the floor. I maneuver into a crouched position. Standing up to my full height of 5'11 slowly to avoid the annoying white spots from moving to fast. Marching over to my closet i see that i have gray bags under my eyes. Breathing out loudly, I grab a simple outfit. Long sleeve gray shirt, black jeans and steal toed boots. Snatching my bag off the floor, i also grab my mini journal from my desk. loud footsteps could be heard. rushing out my room and skipping every other step to beat my younger brother to the food. Skidding to an immediate stop, i pause a second to long. Deric still running at full blast, manages to slip past me. Deric jumps into his chair at full speed and the moment knock both him and the chair over. Dad turns away from the stove to lean back and howl with laughter. Dad is great, he's 6'2. Graying cropped hair. Decent build, obvious he still works out. Recently retired from the army. He's been in and out of lives since we were three. He is still ranked top shot across the board. Every now and then he'll be called in to help train rookies. His tattoos are simple but meaning full. He has barbwire across his upper bicep to symbolize his childhood. And a sword and shield across his calf.
Putting my stuff down beside the table, i took my rightful spot across from Dad.
"Did you know that the T-Rex is the largest Dino-sour that ever lived?" Deric was bouncing up and down from his spot. The table was vibrating from all the excitement. He was smiling so huge, i wondered if it could stretch any further. Maybe it would split like the joker.