Chapter 7

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Jacob had decided to check things out for himself. He might have just been looking too far into things but it didn't hurt to make sure.

After Carmel had been discharged two days ealier, Jacob had done a little bit of research and looked for Carmel's neighbour, Paul Matthews' details. Unsurprisingly, there was no record of anyone with that name. He had decided that perharps it was a technical glitch so he had searched for the address Carmel and her dad were living at instead. He had initially just looked for it out of interest, as a precaution, but after what Grace had told him he decided it was time do something about it.

He had changed his shift from the morning to the afternoon so that he would have time to pay Carmel a visit before he started work.

He had planned to knock on the doors of the houses that surrounded the Sims', hoping to find Mr. Matthews.

As he got out of his car, he looked down at the address he had scribbled down on a piece of paper, making sure he was at the right house.

It was a very posh area; big houses all built up in rows with their own big gardens and balconies. He hadn't expected any less.

As he walked past Carmel's house, he noticed that Mr. Sims' car was still parked in the drive which made him wonder if he had ever actually gone on his so called 'business trip'. But hey, he may just have been over thinking things again. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately.

He looked up at the windows, looking for any sign of life but all the curtains were drawn, preventing him from looking in. Again, he found that a little strange but decided to head to the nearest neighbour's house.

"Hello," he said, smiling politely as an elderly woman opened the door to him. "I don't suppose you could help me out?" he asked. "I'm looking for Paul Matthews," he paused, waiting for a reaction.

"Paul Matthews?" she asked, looking, slightly confused as though she was trying her best to remember. "No, I'm sorry dear. I don't know anyone of that name."

Jacob looked down at his piece of paper again to check he had definitely got the right street, which he had.

"Are you sure?" he asked. How could she never have heard of one of her own neighbours? Maybe he needed to elaborate. "You see, I'm looking for Carmel Sims? I know she's staying with-"

"Oh she lives next door dear," the woman told him, her face lighting up. "She's a lovely young girl..." She leant closer to him as though she wanted to tell him something in confidence. "I'm not too keen on her father though - between you and me."

"Why's that?" he asked, leaning closer to her.

"Oh I don't know, he's a bit of an odd one," she paused looking around, making sure no one was listening. "He's always coming and going at all times of the day... Oh but he's in now if you were wanting to go round?"

Jacob smiled at her. "I think you're mistaken - he's away on business this week-"

"Oh no love, he's been in and out of the house twice this morning already. My husband watches him through the window, you see. And I tell him, Gerald, I say-"

"I'm very sorry," Jacob said, cutting her off. "But I don't have much time - I have to be at work this afternoon," he said before thanking her for her help and saying his goodbyes.

There was something so strange about old people, he thought to himself. They just never seemed to stop talking and they always ended up drawing you in at the most awkward of times. His grandmother had a habit of doing just that.

Anyway, at least she had given him all the information he needed. Now he could go talk to Mr. Sims' about Carmel's call.

He did still wonder though, why she had had to be taken into the ED by a man - who he now knew not to be a neighbour - instead of her own dad. Not to mention the fact that he was told he was away when he clearly wasn't.

He walked up the carefully pointed path leading up to their house and knocked on the door but there was no answer. He knocked again, a little louder this time in case they hadn't heard him the first time. But still, there was no sign of anyone coming out to greet him.

He knew they were in - or at least that's what he had been told. He walked around the back of the house to see if there was another door but he couldn't get through the side gates.

Looking down at his watch, he realised that he had to be heading home to get ready for his shift. He didn't have time to be messing around.

As he walked back down the drive to his car, he turned on his heel to take one last look at the house and for a second, he was sure he saw someone pull back the curtain in one of the upstairs windows.

He stood there a second, considering knocking again but he chose not to. He had to be at work in just over an hour, he didn't have time for games.

His little drive out hadn't been for nothing though. He now knew that Carmel had lied about her dad being away, the man she was with was obviously not who he said he was and for some reason, they didn't want to see anyone. He was glad Grace had called him. Something definitely wasn't right.

I've been really busy today and I told you I wouldn't post an update until Sunday buttttt I felt bad so I decided to write this quick chapter for you now. Please forgive the mistakes if there are any, I'm quite tired!

This chapter is only short and I know it isn't very exciting but it just serves as a link really between the last chapter and the next. I hope you'll continue reading, the best is yet to come.

Oh and thank you again to everyone who does read this and to those who leave reviews. I'm very grateful.

So now I definitely won't be posting anything tomorrow because I won't be at home and it'll be too hard but I'll try and post two chapters on Sunday to make up for it.

Good night x

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