you and i

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Posted by : bringthepaayne

Harry: (we don't wanna be like them) you've never been this upset, not in front of Harry. He doesn't know what to do when he comes home and you're absolutely sobbing on the couch, eyes puffy and red, crumpled tissues around you on the couch and words that he can barely understand spewing from your lips. "It's not fair!" you manage to yelp when he sits next to you, a reassuring hand on your knee trying to figure out what happened. "Parents are supposed to stay together! They're supposed to be in love with each other and stay in love with each other!" He can put two and two together after that; your parents have been on the rocks since before you two were even a couple. Harry shakes his head at you and opens his arms, letting you cry into his shoulder and get snot on his shirt, petting your hair down your back and rocking you slowly. "We won't ever be like that," he whispers to you, kissing the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. "Never. I promise you, love."

Liam: (we can make it till the end) it's been hard. You're not going to lie and say that your relationship with Liam has been easy all the way through. The two of you had fought, broken up, made up, broken up again. But you always manage to come back together in the end. He keeps you grounded and you keep him dreaming. When he thinks about his future, he can't picture anyone but you by his side. You're the girl of his dreams, the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with, the one he wants to have kids with, to travel the world with and build a life with. Liam wants everything with you; he knows the fighting and the screaming comes along with that, but he doesn't care, as long as it means that he gets to keep you for as long as possible. And he tells you this, when you're upset with him about something or other, crossing your arms and shaking your head. He kisses you hard and holds your face in his hands. "Till the end, right, love?"

Louis: (nothing can come between you and I) you love Louis more than anything in the world, but it always feels like everyone and everything is trying to pry you two apart. The fans don't like you for one reason or another, and are hell-bent on you two splitting up. Your schedules never line up properly so you can actually see each other; you always have to work or have school and he's always off doing some kind of appearance or promo or photo-shoot. You love him to bits, and he loves you more than he's loved anything ever, but you have to admit to him that it's getting to you. You feel far away from him, and you're scared you're losing him, and that you might not get him back if you do. "Hey, don't talk like that," he says, after you say you feel distant from him. "Nothing's ever gonna come between us, sweetheart." He gathers you into his lap and holds you close, kissing your cheek and brushing your hair back from your face. "I love you, baby, always."

Niall: (did they ever hold each other tight like us?) he knows you. He knows you so well it scares you some days. There's just something about you, he can always tell exactly what's on your mind or what you need or what he can do to fix something that's happened. When you come home from a day with your friend upset about one thing or another, rambling on about some stupid comment she made, he lets you rant to him, nodding at all the right times, actually getting a beer out of the fridge because he loves your stories and listening to you talk. When you start crying, still so worked up about whatever it was, he leaves his beer discarded on the counter and wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up so you can put your legs around his hips. He holds you tight, dancing you around the kitchen, singing your favourite song in your ear, his hands gripping you so tight, mumbling in your ear about how he'd never, ever let his princess fall.

Zayn: (did they ever fight like us?) he's red in the face from breathing so hard and you're yelling so loud your throat feels like it's raw. If you're honest, you can't even remember what you two are screaming about. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you two really go at it, like you're releasing all your pent up anger on each other. You both say things you don't mean, and it pisses you both off. This time, you take it too far, and he storms out, slamming the door behind him so hard the room shakes. You feel guilty immediately, and you don't know that he instantly feels the same way as you on the other side of the door. He takes a walk to cool down, returning to your flat when it's dark. Zayn finds you curled up in bed, dressed in one of his t-shirts and crying into the pillow. "Baby..." he drawls, climbing in beside you and holding you. You start to apologize but he shushes you. "Hey, it's okay, alright? It's okay." He kisses your forehead. "I'd be more worried if we didn't fight at all."

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