Best christmas gift ever

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Posted by : bringthepaayne

Harry: He sat there on the stairs, Louis and Liam chasing Niall around the stage as the choreographers yelled at them to get back to rehearsing, and Zayn off in the corner practicing some of his high notes. He rubbed his lower lip in between his fore-finger and his thumb, a nervous habit he picked up years before. He missed you, there was no doubt about that, everyone could tell; his eyes didn't light up the way they usually would, his youthful laugh didn't sound right, and his voice wasn't at it's best. It's the beginning of December, and he knew he'd be home in your arms in about a month, but that thought gave him no relief. You were probably still back at home, studying for finals or working late hours at your dull cashier job again, or- "Guess who?" he heard whispered in his ear as two delicate hands covered his eyes. He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears, the tears beginning to prick the back of his eyelids. He knew that voice, he's known it for years. His burly hands came and removed yours from his face, turning himself around and letting out a breath that could have either been a laugh or a whimper. He caught you with ease as you flung yourself into his embrace, feeling his tears hit the junction where your neck meets your shoulder. "Hi baby," you whispered in his ear, "I missed you so much." His arms tightened around you, his shoulders shaking slightly. "How- when did you- why are you-" he pulled back, letting your nimble fingers glide over the tears under his eyes. "Happy Christmas, Harry. I kinda thought this might be a pretty good Christmas present for-" he crashed his lips against yours, not letting you finish your sentence as he couldn't wait to have his lips against yours again. You pulled back slightly, laughing and kissing him again. "I know it's a bit early, but-" "I don't care. This is the best Christmas present ever." He mumbles against your lips, pulling your body impossibly closer to his. He trails his lips from yours down to your jaw, cradling you to his chest, never wanting to let you go again.

Liam: it's Christmas Eve and you two have just gotten back from dinner at your parents' place, chock full of turkey and nosy relatives. Liam seems sleepy, stuffed with your mum's Christmas goodies and the tea he drank on the way home when you drove. you, on the other hand, feel wide awake, hyped up on sugar and Christmas spirit. so, you decide to take a walk through the neighbourhood, marvelling at the lights and frozen trees, in hopes of wasting your energy so you can get a good night's sleep before Santa comes. Liam's yawning the whole way beside you, rubbing his eyes and leaning his head on your shoulder when you stop at crosswalks. you're wandering along the park path when he finally speaks, his accent light and sounding rather awake. "love, can I give something to you?" he asks, pulling on your arm to stop you in your tracks, shoving a hand in his pocket. "I know Christmas is technically tomorrow, but I wanted to give this to you and I can't wait." you nod, laughing at his boyishness and he pulls a little green box out of his pocket, topped with a red and white bow. "you didn't have to get me jewellery, Li," you mutter, opening the box. "it's all too expensi-" your voice drops when you see the diamond ring that's sparkling in the palm of your hand, shining as bright as the smile on Liam's face when you look up at him in shock. he's down on one knee in a second and puts the ring on your finger, eyes gleaming as yours fill with tears. "I love you so, so much, babe," he says, grinning at you. "will you marry me?" it only takes you have a second to yell 'yes' and scoop him into your arms, the best Christmas ever unfolding before you. and it's the best gift you could ever give him, because you gave him you.

Louis: Positive? A baby? Why now? What do I tell him? Hearing the slamming of the car door from outside, you jolt out of your thoughts of what may happen between you and your husband within the next hour. Would he be mad? Will he be happy? Is he gonna leave? You listen as his keys unlock the front door, hearing him shut the door with his foot and walk into the kitchen, placing what must be last minute Christmas gifts and food onto the counter. You hesitate on whether to tell him now or not, figuring that if you tell him and he's not happy, it will most likely ruin your holidays. But on the other hand, if you tell him and he's ecstatic, your holidays will be some of the happiest yet. Too lost in what to do, you barely hear him shout up the stairs. "Hi babe, uhm, could you just stay up there for a bit, please? You know this time of year, just don't question it! Love you!" You sit on the comforter of your bed, following the intricate pattern with your fingers, you scramble up from the bed and out of the room, bounding down the stairs and down the hall towards the kitchen, where Louis is unloading his bags. "Lou-" He whips around and moves to cover up what's sitting out in the open on the counter, trying to get you out of the kitchen. "Babe, I said don't come in here, it's Christmas! Well, technically it's my birthday but-" "Louis, I'm-" "and I know you told me not to go out shopping on my own birthday, but I needed to pick up some-" Finally having enough of trying to get him to stop talking, the first thing that comes to you is to blurt it out. "Louis, I'm pregnant!" His breath hitches in the back of his throat, his hands letting go of the counter-top behind him, his eyes darting between yours to see if you're really telling the truth or not. "Wh-what?" You begin to feel the nerves crawling up your spine, the little shivers triggering the wobble in your chin and your eyes to water as you try to get it out again. You cast your eyes anywhere but his, eventually landing on the tiled floor below you. "I-I'm.. uhh..." "Pregnant?" His voice cracks on the last syllable, beginning to get watery and shaky at the unbelievable news. You bring your eyes up just enough to see his eyes wide with tears and his smile larger than you've ever seen it. You nod your head before he scoops you into his arms, watery laughs coming from both of you as he spins you around and kisses you full on the lips. "I can't believe- pregnant?!" You nod once more, before he takes your face in his hands and rests your foreheads together. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is honestly the best birthday present and best Christmas present ever."

Niall: As you pick up the left over plates and bowls from the movie night and bring them into the kitchen to get washed, you wish each of your passing children a good night's sleep, and reminding them to get into bed quick so Santa will arrive sooner. Niall had offered to put them to sleep, which was wonderful as you knew you had to finish wrapping some of their presents from Santa, but you also knew that the two kids had always adored their father reading them stories while you sang to them. After finishing up with the dishes and putting away their other toys, you walked up the stairs and down the hall to yours and Niall's bedroom, passing by your oldest child's room. Stopping just in front of the door, you peek in to see your son curled up in his bed with his arm around his little sister, your husband reading "T'was Night Before Christmas" to them, watching as they slowly were drifting off into their own dreams of sugar plums. You smiled as you walked off into your room, changing out of your jeans and sweater into a pair of Niall's boxers and one of his shirts, stopping to take in the scent of your husband, before tying your wild, curly hair into a dark messy bun on your head. You grab the box of presents from your closet and bring them downstairs to the living room, taking the wrapping paper and supplies along with you before settling yourself down on the ground in front of the glowing Christmas tree. In the midst of your wrapping, you feel two strong arms wrap themselves around you, pulling you back towards your husband's chest. "Thank you, Princess." You turn your head and glance at him over your shoulder. "For?" "For giving me this beautiful family, and for giving me you. Definitely the best Christmas present ever." you smile as you kiss him lightly, squeezing his arms and returning to your holiday wrapping, Niall moving around to sit beside you and help wrap, sharing the plate of cookies and milk set aside for Santa.

Zayn: Christmas night, you give him your /real/ present and he thinks it's the best thing he's ever experienced. after all the torn wrapping paper has been thrown in the trash, all the cards have been opened, all the 'thank you's made. you're both a little tipsy, drunk off each other, the holidays, and that bottle of Irish whiskey Niall brought to your place for dinner. he's sprawled out on the bed, topless and grinning at you. you come in from brushing your teeth and yank your jumper over your head, kicking off your jeans and hearing his sharp intake of breath. "when did you get that?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at you. you look down at the red, lacy bra and thong covering (little of...) your body and shrug. "I dunno, just a little something I picked up, thought you might like it." he narrows his eyes at you. "get over here, you," he growls and you launch yourself at him, straddling his hips and kissing his neck. "merry Christmas, baby," you say against his skin, sucking on it. "merry Christmas," he replies with a moan. after you're done, both spent and utterly exhausted, he pulls you into his chest and traces patterns onto you bare skin and whispers "best present /ever/" in your ear.

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