Sharing the covers

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Posted by: bringthepaayne

Harry: he's usually such a covers hog, but you can tell he missed you more than words can say, because he refuses to leave your side, even when you slip into bed at night. he's got his hands on you constantly, making sure you're warm enough and that he hasn't taken all the covers onto his side, sliding one leg between yours so you don't float away from him in your sleep. and never mind the fact that he's so tall and when you wake up in the morning, he's draped across you, but you're so warm and you feel so loved you can't care.

Liam: you pull another tissue out of the box and blow your nose again, the movement making your head spin and your body ache. you've been sick for a good few days now, sniffles and a painful cough filling up your holidays. Liam's been the best boyfriend in the world, making you soup and tea and cuddling you when he's not getting something to make you feel better. he even goes so far as to put your favourite blanket in the dryer to make it warm before climbing to bed with you and letting you lay on his chest, covered in said blanket and singing you to sleep.

Louis: he's not sharing them, and that's why you're upset. he's being a brat, mad because you can't go to New York this time around because of school and your job and so he's pointing and he won't talk to you, apart from good mornings and one word answers when you ask him a question about food. it starts getting to you, because you're getting really tired of sleeping with the blanket on the couch and not cuddling him and it hurts. he comes around after a day or two, repeating how sorry he is and nuzzling your neck, pulling the covers over you both.

Niall: he's hungover. you both are, having spent the night with a handful of shots and way too many pints. your head is pounding and you realize dimly that you've managed to steal all the covers from Niall in your sleep, because they're wrapped around you like a cocoon and he's shivering his skinny ass off. you immediately feel guilty, blinking away sleep as you untangle yourself and scoot across to him, moving the blankets so it's covering both of you. you settle against his broad chest and he hums quietly, kissing your temple. "thank ya, babe."

Zayn: he's completely out, sprawled across his side of the bed, a silly grin on his face as he sleeps, hands twitching against your pillow while you're wide awake, busying yourself with whatever work you can get done on your laptop and the book you've been reading. three o'clock rolls around and you're still up, blaming your insomnia on the fact that you had a coffee at like four in the afternoon. your laptop closes suddenly, and Zayn pulls it away, setting it on the floor and pulling the covers back so you can slide in next to him "go to sleep, yeah?"

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