Chapter seven: Home

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Billy had been gone for months, and it has been almost a year now. He still took his classes in the facility, so he was able to graduate, as well as me. I even got accepted into the college I wanted! That was the problem, though.

It was in Maine. I wanted to be an engineer... and my dream school just accepted me. I want to go so bad, but I'm all the way in California. It's so far away from home...

I told all of this to Billy when he finally got out of the facility. "It's your dream school! Don't worry about me. Just visit sometimes!" He exclaimed, his grin unsuccessfully hiding his complete and utter sadness of losing me again.

"But I wanna stay close to home at the same time..." I added, trailing off and groaning as I was stuck with this decision. "You're going, and that's it." Billy announced. "And no arguing! I've made your decision."


Well, I let him make that decision. I was packing up and ready to head out during that summer. The house was already sold, along with the furniture. My mother still sent money, and was surprised when I sent her the money for the house. I wanted her to hold onto it or put it towards my college funds.

It was the day I left now. Billy and I were barely speaking as we drove to the airport. He walked with me to my flight, talking less and less as time passed and my plane exit was coming closer. He gripped my hand as my plane number was called, and I stood up slowly.

"Go get em, (y/n)." Billy murmured, grinning like an idiot, but tears were brimming his eyes. I hugged him tight, hating the thought of leaving him fine. "I'll call you when I get there." I whispered, finally grabbing my bag and heading onto the plane as they made their last calls.

It was painful to look back and see Billy, looking as if he was a lost puppy who's owner just abandoned them. The doleful, pleading eyes and slumped shoulders signaling defeat. I had only just got him back, and we were separated once again.


The plane ride was long and silent. All I did was either sleep, eat, or listen to music while looking out the window. Let's be honest, we all pretended we were in a music video when we stared out the window with headphones in.

"Finally landing in Augusta, Maine." A voice said over the radiocom, and I smiled a bit. Finally. I could get up soon and stretch. I don't see how people find traveling like this exciting.

We soon landed, and I grabbed my luggage before heading to the university dorm by cab. The driver kept trying to hit on me, but I would only say that I had a boyfriend. I couldn't do anything else.


The campus was gorgeous. When I pulled my phone out, I noticed the texts I had received from Billy. It was mostly cute photos of us together, and one text:

You'll probably be reading this when you get off the plane and take a picture of the university. Weird how I can tell, right? Anyways, I just wanted to wish you luck. You're gonna do some great things. Call me when you can, babe. I already miss you. Visit soon! <3

I smiled silently to myself as I read it, and I called him as I walked into my dorm and up to my room.

"(Y/n)!" Billy answered cheerily, and I laughed a bit at his enthusiasm. "The one and only. What's up?" I asked curiously.

I've never stayed on the phone for so long. I had originally thought that Billy and I had talked about everything with each other. Man, we had only scratched the surface, compared to the conversations we had on the phone.

"Once I get the wifi and unpack everything, I can Skype on my computer." I said, noticing my phone battery dying. "I gotta go, babe. Night." I said, smiling as he said goodnight and hung up. I'm gonna miss him.


"I never thought you'd get off that phone." My roommate teased, rolling over to face me. He was my new gay best friend that I became close with within the span of fifteen minutes.

"Oh hush, Kaleb. I wasn't on that long." I laughed, shaking my head and flopping back against my bed. "He just came back home when I had been packing to leave." I added, and Kaleb gave me an empathetic look.

"I get it. I had the same thing happen when I and here as well. Except my boyfriend broke up with me when I said I was coming here." Kaleb added, giving a simple shrug of his shoulders.


Kaleb and I talked for a while, watching the small tv in our dorm room when an announcement came on. Mass Murder in Woodsboro was what the headline read. Former Asylum Patient Believed To Be A Suspect.

Reading that headline made my heart stop for a moment. He thinks the therapy made him better. I stared at the tv, my eyes wide and the color in my face draining. "I gotta go for a second." I told Kaleb, quickly leaving the room.


"You said it made you better!" I yelled through the tears to the phone, yelling at Billy. "It did! It made me so much better! I can think so clearly on what I do to people now!" Billy said excitedly, his laughter maniacal and terrifying.

"Stop, Billy. You said you'd get better for me!" I exclaimed, now frustration building up in me. "You only got worse! What did they do to you?!" I asked, panic building up in my chest.

"They only made me able to think more clearly... not, they made the wrong mistake." Billy chuckled, and I could practically hear the insane smirk in his voice. "The doctors made me better. I'm all better, just for you, (y/n)." He replied happily, making my heart drop.

"I'm coming back. I'll meet you at your house." I said shortly, hanging up.

Man, it was too good to be true...


So this book is gonna stay on a hiatus for a while while I finish my Michael Myers book 😬. Sorry to everyone reading this! I hope y'all still stay around and continue reading it once I start it again.
Maxx 🖤

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